Releases: aritchie/userdialogs
NET Standard
v6.5 fix sample post merge
Last of the PCL
v6.4.1 toast example
[BREAKING] all config objects now use a consistent naming for OnEvent called OnAction instead of OnAction, OnAction, OnEtc
[BREAKING] progress dialog interface has changed ever so slightly
[BREAKING] winphone 8 has been removed from the nuget package - it still exists on github!
[feature][ios] Add optional Init function to allow for top viewcontroller control similar to android top activity - this is good for extensions apparently (Thanks to Kyle Spearrin)
[fix][ios] showerror/success images not being displayed
[fix][ios] date/time dialogs no longer show a solid black background
[fix][droid] snackbar font color works now
[fix][droid] nre on unassigned toast action
[fix][droid] back button does cancels dialogs if dialog is cancellable
[fix][droid] prompt dialog now uses enter as ok click
[fix][uwp] show error/success now uses toasts
[feature] ShowLoading will now close previous instances that were not closed (stupid proofing)
[feature] add SelectedDate parameter to DatePromptAsync
[feature] add SelectedTime parameter to TimePromptAsync
[BREAKING][feature][ios] New snackbar for old toast setup that everyone complained about (thanks to Marc Bruins -
[feature][ios] Better looking date/time picker (thanks to Marc Bruins -
[feature] Toasts are also dismissable from code now (via disposable)
[feature][droid] Make actionsheets look like bottomsheets from the design library - Set ActionSheetConfig.UseBottomSheet = true
[feature][droid] Ability to set style on alert based dialogs using AndroidStyleId
[fix][ios] destruction button should be at the top on iOS actionsheets
[fix][droid] fixes for fragment dialogs
[fix][droid] classic (non-appcompat) dialogs would not always appear from background threads
[fix] toastposition get/set
[feature] cancellable standard dialogs. use cancellationtokens or disposable pattern from sync versions
[feature] date/time dialogs
[feature][ios] set toast position via toastconfig
plus all the goodies from 5.1 that were pulled
[feature][droid] appcompat now built in. dialogs will attempt to use best mechanism avaiable on the top activity to determine how to display dialogs (appcompat, fragment dialog, dialog direct). Thanks to Felix Barz
[fix][droid] remove resource files to allow for support library updates (thanks Marco Bellino) #142
[fix][droid] allow background interaction on classic toast #144
[fix][uwp] fix duplicate title in actionsheet
[BREAKING][ios] no longer supporting iOS6 and under
Last v4 release
4.3.4 Update