inpu Public
Ancient Egyptian hieroglyphic input inspired by Japanese IME.
TypeScript UpdatedMar 21, 2025 -
my-awesome-site Public
just playing around with jekyll to figure out how it works and whatnot
UpdatedOct 18, 2024 -
metage Public
3D space for online user interaction using THREE.js. Work in progress.
rinha-de-compiler Public
Forked from aripiprazole/rinha-de-compiler🥖 | Rinha de compiladores (ou interpretadores kkkk
sacsynth Public
Fucking around and finding out some shit with the Web Audio API.
JavaScript UpdatedJun 26, 2023 -
progit2-pt-br Public
Forked from progit/progit2-pt-brBrazilian Portuguese Progit2
retroflightsim Public
Forked from ruben3d/retroflightsimAttempt to replicate the visuals of late 80s / early 90s flight simulators
TypeScript MIT License UpdatedMay 10, 2023 -
gl-engine Public
Watch as I learn graphics programming and game engine development at the same time. It ain't that pretty sometimes, but it's fun! I'm using C++ and OpenGL.
gpt4all Public
Forked from nomic-ai/gpt4allgpt4all: a chatbot trained on a massive collection of clean assistant data including code, stories and dialogue
compiladores Public
Forked from schnorr/compDisciplina de Compiladores (INF01147) - INF/UFRGS
anikyara-peeji Public
In this repository I train my web development skills by displaying anime girls with the Waifu Pics API.
software-rendering Public
Software rendering kinda thing, setting pixels on SFML images I guess.
1 UpdatedJul 12, 2022 -
twxtter Public
Totally not a Twitter clone. Work in progress. Using React and Node.
kyanbasu-geemu Public
Repository of gamedev-oriented web experiment I did back in ~October 2020, never committed till now. Saving it as back up and for reference in new work.
incomplete-obj-loader Public
As the repo name says: incomplete loader for OBJ 3D models. Build with make, run the program with an OBJ file as argument. This repo's folder contained a regex test thing before and I decided to us…
neanderassignment Public
Old stuff. Assignment for Neander hypothetical machine. There's no *source* code to see here, you edit the memory directly with instructions and operands in the Neander simulator available at: http…
pred-kb Public
Old attempt at implementing a predictive keyboard using a trie dictionary. Unfinished.
compmus_2020_1 Public
Forked from rschramm80/compmus_2020_1This is a repository of audio processing tutorial modules for the class CompMus 2020/1.