You need AutoHotKey and Windows to use this script. All shortcuts in this script use the rarely used CapsLock key. To use CapsLock functionality, double-click CapsLock.
- Just CapsLock -> Nothing
- CapsLock + Key -> Action
- Double-click CapsLock -> Toggle CapsLock
I'll refer to CapsLock as CL from now on.
- CL + j -> Down
- CL + k -> Up
- CL + h -> Left
- CL + l -> Right
- CL + i -> Right Desktop (Ctrl + Win + Right)
- CL + u -> Left Desktop (Ctrl + Win + Left)
- CL + Space -> Pause / Play
- CL + m -> Mute Audio
- CL + [ -> Escape
- CL + r -> Build & Run for Visual Studio and alike (Ctrl + R)
- CL + q -> Quit Application (Alt + F4)
- CL + g -> Google the selected text
- CL + t -> Open Windows Terminal
More shortcuts will be added in the future. Feel free to create an issue for any shortcut you want to be added.