A framework to:
- declaratively define resources and their relationships
- handle resource serialization/deserialization to arbitrary data storage (e.g.: MySQL, NoSQL, plain files)
- expose HTTP interface
- handle authorization for individual resources
Check documentation for more detailed information.
Run pep8 and pyflakes in src directory
[Author Name <author@email>]
* CHANGE_TYPE=MAJOR|MINOR|PATCH: change description
12.11.3 2014-01-12
[John Smith <[email protected]>]
* PATCH: refactored the modules
* MINOR: added a new class
* MAJOR: removed deprecated function
- It is a good idea to annotate each commit with PATCH|MINOR|MAJOR message so that it is easier to control the version
based on the output of
git log
command - There is no need to modify changelog when documentation or travis related files are updated. Only changes of the source code are important.
- Switch to master
- Merge dev into master
- Make sure that all checks and tests pass
- Increment the version in CHANGES file according to the types of changes made since the latest release. Add timestamp to indicate that the version was released.
- Commit the changes
- Execute "git tag VERSION -m VERSION"
- Switch to dev
- Merge master into dev
- Push dev & master branches to upstream
- Push tags to upstream
Always create your own feature branches from the dev branch. Not from master one.
- Make sure that all commits have descriptive messages and are up to the point
- pep8 and pyflakes checks are supposed to pass
- All tests are supposed to pass
- If it is a new feature - make sure that new tests are created and they pass
- Add a new set of bullet points to the latest changelog entry according to the specified format
- Create a pull request against the dev branch
- Travis CI: https://travis-ci.org/F-Secure/resource-api
- Read the docs: http://resource-api.readthedocs.org/en/latest/
The core part of the project development work was done within the Digile’s Data to Intelligence program http://www.datatointelligence.fi/ and supported by Tekes, the Finnish Funding Agency for Innovation.