Teeny is an Apache Geode (incubating) based URL shortner application.
This application is intended to server as an introduction to Apache Geode basic concepts.
On Linux use package managers available for most distributions.
On Mac use boot2docker or Kitematic
Then install docker-compose with sudo pip install -U docker-compose
- Create the teeny client container:
docker build -t geode/teeny-client .
- Start Apache Geode cluster
- You can either do it using GFSH or through Docker.
docker-compose up
If you are using Docker on this step it may take a while depending on your internet connection.
This step will clone this repository and build the application, which consists of a SpringBoot application that has a single Servlet.
Otherwhise if you're running locally without Docker, clone this repository and build an executable jar:
mvn clean package
And start the client application with:
java -jar /teeny/target/teeny-0.1-SNAPSHOT.war
With the cluster up and running execute:
docker exec -it $(docker ps |grep -i locator|awk '{print $1}') data/setup.sh
This is going to grab the container ID for the current locator instance and execute a shell script inside the container. The shell script will create both regions required for the application.
- To create a teeny
curl -X POST http://localhost:8080?url=yahoo.com
- To lookup a teeny
curl http://localhost:8080/<return_value_from_create>
- To delete a teeny
curl -X DELETE http://localhost:8080/<return_value_from_create>
- To list of most poplular teenyies
curl http://localhost:8080
Given that it's easy to scale an Apache Geode cluster you can easily leverage docker-compose functionalities to add more containers and more nodes to any component of the solution.
For instance in order to add more instances of the teeny client just execute:
docker-compose scale client=2
To add more Apache Geode servers:
docker-compose scale server=2
You can reach Swagger interace that's part of Geode REST service using the following URL: