This library implements a very basic validation and creation chain for electronic health certificates (HCERT):
- Encode in CBOR
- Wrap in a CWT structure
- Sign and embed in COSE
- Compress with ZLib
- Encode in Base45
- Prepend with Context Identifier
- Encode as QR Code
All services are implemented according to, Version 1.0.5 from 2021-04-18.
The schemata for data classes is imported from, Version 1.2.1, from 2021-05-27.
The resources for interop testing are imported as a git submodule from into src/commonTest/resources/dgc-testdata
. Please clone this repository with git clone --recursive
or run git submodule init && git submodule update
This Kotlin library is a mulitplatform project, with targets for JVM and JavaScript. See for details about the JavaScript target.
is the main class for encoding and decoding HCERT data. For encoding, pass an instance of a GreenCertificate
(data class conforming to the JSON schema) and get a ChainResult
. That object will contain all revelant intermediate results as well as the final result (step5Prefixed
). This final result can be passed to a DefaultTwoDimCodeService
that will encode it as a 2D QR Code.
The usage of interfaces for all services (CBOR, CWT, COSE, ZLib, Context) in the chain may seem over-engineered at first, but it allows us to create wrongly encoded results, by passing faulty implementations of the service. Those services reside in the namespace ehn.techiop.hcert.kotlin.chain.faults
and should, obviously, not be used for production code.
The actual, correct, implementations of the service interfaces reside in ehn.techiop.hcert.kotlin.chain.impl
. These "default" implementations will be used when the chain is constructed using DefaultChain.buildCreationChain()
or DefaultChain.buildVerificationChain()
Example for creation services:
// Load the private key and certificate from somewhere ...
String privateKeyPem = "-----BEGIN PRIVATE KEY-----\nMIIEvQIBADAN...";
String certificatePem = "-----BEGIN CERTIFICATE-----\nMIICsjCCAZq...";
CryptoService cryptoService = new FileBasedCryptoService(privateKeyPem, certificatePem);
Chain chain = DefaultChain.buildCreationChain(cryptoService);
// Load the input data from somewhere ...
String json = "{ \"sub\": { \"gn\": \"Gabriele\", ...";
String input = Json.decodeFromString<GreenCertificate>(json);
// Apply all encoding steps from the Chain: CBOR, CWT, COSE, ZLIB, Base45, Context
ChainResult result = chain.encode(input);
// Optionally encode it as a QR-Code with 350 pixel in width and height
TwoDimCodeService qrCodeService = new DefaultTwoDimCodeService(350);
String encodedImage = qrCodeService.encode(result.step5Prefixed);
String encodedBase64QrCode = Base64.getEncoder().encodeToString(encodedImage);
// Then include in an HTML page or something ...
String html = "<img src=\"data:image/png;base64," + encodedBase64QrCode + "\" />";
Example for the verification side, i.e. in apps:
CertificateRepository repository = new PrefilledCertificateRepository("-----BEGIN CERTIFICATE-----\nMIICsjCCAZq...");
Chain chain = DefaultChain.buildVerificationChain(repository);
// Scan the QR code from somewhere ...
String input = "HC1:NCFC:MVIMAP2SQ20MU...";
DecodeResult result = chain.decode(input);
VerificationResult verificationResult = result.getVerificationResult(); // contains metaInformation
boolean isValid = verificationResult.getError() == null; // true or false
Error error = verificationResult.getError(); // may be null, see list below
GreenCertificate greenCertificate = result.getChainDecodeResult().getEudgc(); // may be null
The build result (./gradlew jsBrowserDistribution
) of this library for JS is a module in UMD format, under build/distributions/hcert-kotlin.js
. This script runs in a web browser environment and can be used in the following way (see demo.html):
let qr = "HC1:NCFC:MVIMAP2SQ20MU..."; // scan from somewhere
let pemCert = "-----BEGIN CERTIFICATE-----\nMIICsjCCAZq..."; // PEM encoded DSC
let verifier = new hcert.Verifier([pemCert]);
let result = verifier.verify(qr);
let isValid = result.isValid; // true or false
let metaInformation = result.metaInformation // see below
let error = result.error; // may be null, or contain an error, see below
let greenCertificate = result.greenCertificate; // may be null, or contain the decoded HCERT;
The meta information contains extracted data from the QR code contents, e.g.:
"expirationTime": "2021-11-02T18:00:00Z",
"issuedAt": "2021-05-06T18:00:00Z",
"issuer": "AT",
"certificateValidFrom": "2021-05-05T12:41:06Z",
"certificateValidUntil": "2023-05-05T12:41:06Z",
"certificateValidContent": [
"content": [
"error": null
The resulting error
may be one of the following (the list is identical to ValidationCore for Swift, therefore there may be some unused entries):
: The prefix does not conform to the expected one, e.g.HC1:
: Error in decompressing the inputBASE_45_DECODING_FAILED
: Error in decoding CBOR or CWT structuresCWT_EXPIRED
: Timestamps in CWT are not correct, e.g. expired before issuing timestampQR_CODE_ERROR
: Certificate withKID
: Certificate used to sign the COSE structure has expiredUNSUITABLE_PUBLIC_KEY_TYPE
: Certificate has not the correct extension for signing that content type, e.g. Vaccination entriesKEY_CREATION_ERROR
: Signature on COSE structure could not be verified
Emphasis of the JS target is the validation of QR codes, i.e. do not expect to be able to create a valid QR code.
There is also an option to create (on the service) and read (in the app) a list of trusted certificates for verification of HCERTs.
The server can create it:
// Load the private key and certificate from somewhere ...
String privateKeyPem = "-----BEGIN PRIVATE KEY-----\nMIIEvQIBADAN...";
String certificatePem = "-----BEGIN CERTIFICATE-----\nMIICsjCCAZq...";
CryptoService cryptoService = new FileBasedCryptoService(privateKeyPem, certificatePem);
TrustListV2EncodeService trustListService = new TrustListV2EncodeService(cryptoService);
// Load the list of trusted certificates from somewhere ...
Set<X509Certificate> trustedCerts = new HashSet<>(cert1, cert2, ...);
byte[] encodedTrustList = trustListService.encodeContent(trustedCerts);
byte[] encodedTrustListSignature = trustListService.encodeSignature(encodedTrustList);
The client can use it for verification:
String trustListAnchor = "-----BEGIN CERTIFICATE-----\nMIICsjCCAZq...";
CertificateRepository trustAnchor = new PrefilledCertificateRepository(trustListAnchor);
byte[] encodedTrustList = // file download etc
byte[] encodedTrustListSignature = // file download etc
CertificateRepository repository = new TrustListCertificateRepository(encodedTrustListSignature, encodedTrustList, trustAnchor);
Chain chain = DefaultChain.buildVerificationChain(repository);
// Continue as in the example above ...
Sample data objects are provided in SampleData
, with special thanks to Christian Baumann.
Classes in
provide Kotlin data classes that conform to the JSON schema. They can be de-/serialized with Kotlin Serialization, i.e. Cbor.encodeToByteArray()
or Cbor.decodeFromByteArray<GreenCertificate>()
These classes also use ValueSetEntry
objects, that are loaded from the valuesets of the dgc-schema. These provide additional information, e.g. for the key "EU/1/20/1528" to map to the vaccine "Comirnaty".
Nearly every object in this library can be configured using constructor parameters. Most of these parameters have, opinionated, default values, e.g. Clock.System
for clock
, used to get the current timestamp.
One example: The validity for the TrustList, as well as the validity of the HCERT in CBOR can be passed as a validity
parameter (instance of a Duration
) when constructing the objects:
CryptoService cryptoService = new RandomEcKeyCryptoService(256); // or some fixed key crypto service
CborService cborService = new DefaultCborService();
CwtService cwtService = new DefaultCwtService("AT", Duration.hours(24)); // validity for HCERT content
CoseService coseService = new DefaultCoseService(cryptoService);
ContextIdentifierService contextIdentifierService = new DefaultContextIdentifierService("HC1:");
CompressorService compressorService = new DefaultCompressorService(9); // level of compression
Base45Service base45Service = new DefaultBase45Service();
Chain chain = new Chain(cborService, cwtService, coseService, contextIdentifierService, compressorService, base45Service);
ChainResult result = chain.encode(input);
Implementers may load values for constructor parameters from a configuration file, e.g. with Spring Boot's configuration properties.
To publish this package to GitHub, create a personal access token (read, and add gpr.user
and gpr.key
in your ~/.gradle/
and run ./gradlew publish
There are several known issues with this library:
- The JS target implementation is not complete, i.e. one can not encode HCERT data
- The JS target does not offer an interface to load a TrustList
- The JVM target does not implement Schema validation
- Several test cases from
fail, e.g. when using special COSE tags
If you are planning to use this library, please fork it (internally), and review incoming changes. We can not guarantee non-breaking changes between releases.
Version 1.0.0:
- Convert to a Kotlin multiplatform project, therefore some details may have changed when calling from Java
Version 0.4.0:
- Update ehn-dgc-schema to 1.2.1
- Include dgc-testdata as a git submodule
Version 0.3.1:
- Implement a TrustList V2, with details is
Version 0.3.0:
- Rename the previous
, as the new name matches the implementation more closely - Introduce new
that just encodes HCERT as CBOR - Bugfix: Compression with ZLIB is in fact not optional when decoding QR codes
- Bugfix: In CBOR, Dates need to be serialized as ISO 8601 compatible Strings, e.g.
, not1613824496000
Version 0.2.2:
- Changes to validity parameter for creating TrustList, HCERTs (
) - More options for creating 2D codes (
) - Implement first shot of reading standardized test cases in a JSON format (see
) - Use ValueSet instead of fixed enums for data in
- Update dgc-schema to version 1.0.0 from 2021-04-30
Version 0.2.1:
- TrustList encodes public keys in PKCS#1 format (instead of PKCS#8/X.509)
- Interface of
now returns aByteArray
instead of aString
, callers need to encode the result to manually.
This library uses the following dependencies:
- Kotlin, under the Apache-2.0 License
- Kotlinx Serialization, under the Apache-2.0 License
- Kotlinx Datetime, under the Apache-2.0 License
- Kotest, under the Apache-2.0 License
For the JVM target:
- COSE-JAVA, under the BSD-3-Clause License
- ZXing, under the Apache-2.0 License
- Bouncycastle, under an MIT-compatible license
- JUnit, under the Eclipse Public License v2.0
For the JS target:
- pako, under the MIT License
- Types/Pako, under the MIT License
- PKIjs, under a custom license
- cose-js, forked as a git submodule, under the Apache-2.0 License
- crypto-browserify, under the MIT License
- stream-browserify, under the MIT License
- util, under the MIT License
- buffer, under the MIT License
- process, under the MIT License
- cbor, under the MIT License
- node-inspect-extracted, under an MIT-compatible license
- fast-sha256, under the Unlicense
- url, under the MIT License
- elliptic, under the MIT License
- node-rsa, under the MIT License
- constants-browserify, under the MIT License
- assert, under the MIT License
- base64url, under the MIT License
- ajv, under the MIT License
- ajv-formats, under the MIT License
Tip: Run ./gradlew generateLicenseReport