🌱 I’m currently learning about Backend Development and LLMs
💬 Ask me about Machine Learning, Deep Learning, Python
📫 How to reach me atharvabhide91@gmail.com
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Crypto-Cast PublicWeb App for visualizing and forecasting prices for some of the most popular crypto currencies. Uses YFinance and CoinMarketCap API.
Stripe-Sync PublicTwo way syncing application between local system's customer list and Stripe's customer list which is an external service.
Quora-Question-Pair-Similarity PublicThis project classifies question pairs as duplicate or non-duplicate by using NLP techniques for text preprocessing and feature extraction and then applying classification algorithms on the extract…
SPPU-COMP-2019-PRACTICALS PublicThis repository contains all the practical assignments which I have done as part of my coursework.
SignVision PublicPOC which detects and recognizes sign language gestures using mediapipe keypoints and a tensorflow based lstm model. GUI is built using tkinter.
Jupyter Notebook
161 contributions in the last year
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