is a Clojure library that provides some facilities
to define hygienic macros with syntactic closures.
It aims to implement a hygienic macro system interoperable with Clojure's
macro system.
For details about syntactic closures, see Syntactic Closures or Chicken Scheme's wiki page.
Note: syntactic-closure
is still of alpha quality.
Add the following to your project.clj dependencies:
[syntactic-closure "0.1.0"]
Use via:
(use 'syntactic-closure.core)
or, for the shorthand, use via:
(use 'syntactic-closure)
As on some Scheme implementations, you can define hygienic macros using syntactic closures, like this:
(use 'syntactic-closure.core)
(define-syntax let1 [name init & body]
(fn [env]
(let [~name ~(make-syntactic-closure env nil init)]
~@(map #(make-syntactic-closure env [name] %) body))))))
(let1 x 10 (* x x))
In this case, the input name x
is automatically renamed.
(macroexpand '(let1 x 10 (* x x)))
;=> (let* [x403 10] (clojure.core/* x403 x403))
Using syntactic closures, you can also define anaphoric macros.
(define-syntax aif [test then else]
(fn [env]
(let [it ~(make-syntactic-closure env nil test)]
(if it
~(make-syntactic-closure env '[it] then)
~(make-syntactic-closure env nil else))))))
Since Scheme-like interfaces are somehow verbose, syntactic-closure
namespace provides a simple shorthand for them (, though it is subject to change).
(use 'syntactic-closure)
(defsyntax let1 [name init & body]
(qq (let [~name ~^:? init]
~@^{:? name} body)))
(defsyntax aif [test then else]
(qq (let [it ~^:? test]
(if it
~^{:? 'it} then
~^:? else))))
For details about the shorthand, see Shorthand section below.
For more examples, see example code in the /examples
Each example includes both verbose and concise versions of code.
namespace provides qq
macro, which is almost the same
as quasiquote
except that in qq
form, the following shorthand can be used.
~^:? foo
is equivalent to~(make-syntactic-closure *env* nil foo)
- For any symbol
,~^{:? id} foo
is equivalent to~(make-syntactic-closure *env* [id] foo)
- For any list of symbols
,~^{:? ids} foo
is equivalent to~(make-syntactic-closure *env* ids foo)
~@^:? foo
is equivalent to~@(map (bound-fn [x#] (make-syntactic-closure *env* nil x#)) foo)
- For any symbol
,~@^{:? id} foo
is equivalent to~@(map (bound-fn [x#] (make-syntactic-closure *env* [id] x#)) foo)
- For any list of symbols
,~@{:? ids} foo
is equivalent to~@(map (bound-fn [x#] (make-syntactic-closure *env* ids x#)) foo)
- Syntactic Closures
- A Syntactic Closures Macro Facility
Copyright (C) 2012 OHTA Shogo
Distributed under the Eclipse Public License, the same as Clojure.