npm install hapi-seaweedfs
You can adjust this plugin to your needs with the following options
host: "localhost", //your ip or domain
port: 9333, // the port of one master server
status: {
//enable fetching of the systemStatus and
//emitting an event on the seaweedfs intercom channel
enable: true/false,
fetchInterval: 15000 //fetch interval in milliseconds
hapi-seaweedfs uses and requires hapi-intercom as a peer dependency. It operates on the "seaweedfs" channel, which can be retrieved via
var channel = server.methods.intercom.getChannel("seaweedfs")
You can retrieve the connection itself to directly call methods on it. It will always return a Promise.
channel.request("connection").then(function(connection) {
//do something
For the supported API operations have a look at node-seaweedfs. There are also the following convenient functions for easy access:
//convenient method to request a file by id
channel.request("file", fileId).then(function(buffer) {
//do something with the buffer
//get the information about the seaweed topology
channel.request("systemStatus", fileId).then(function(status) {
//system status
//get information about the master cluster
channel.request("masterStatus", fileId).then(function(status) {
//master status