Bug Fixes
cli-bundler: avoid unwanted match on prototype (9054f9c )
cli-bundler: warn user about missed source matcher (bf13526 ), closes #1182 #1160
docker: e2e folder is changed (b45e6b1 )
docker: no more types folder (56caa9e )
scaffold-navigation: wrong fontawesome class used (03d509e )
typescript: fix karma+ts unit tests (7d90d2b )
typescript: fix missing eslintrc (c59195d )
fix lint task (23ffc87 )
typescript: fix few typing conflicts by moving e2e files (156fb6e )
latest cypress is confused about module format (c427b25 )
latest cypress simplified ts setup (7ac344b )
docker: copy fortawesome files (fa63b0a )
docker: remove unnecessary copy task (eed22ae )
scaffold-navigation: change to modern fas (b8480a4 )
scaffold-navigation: fix spinner class (98c0270 )
au new wraps npx makes aurelia/v1 (4599a12 )
onNotBundled callback to report not bundled items (62305d0 )
upgrade deps, many dropped nodejs v8 support (0249227 )
skeleton files is moved to dedicated repo
release-check is removed. Skeletons check is done in aurelia/v1 repo.
"--unattended" is removed from "au new" params.
"au generate-skeletons" is removed.
drop nodejs v8 support
You can’t perform that action at this time.