A cookie cutter project template generator is a tool which generates a project file and directory structure template so that you don't have to do this from scratch every time. They are great time savers, and also help remind you to create all the little bits, such as README.md's and LICENSE.md's that might otherwise get overlooked.
Note : When creating a new repository on GitHub, do not initialize the new repository with README, license, or gitignore files. Create a repository with only name.
root$ Enter the directory where you want to initialize the project.
- Enter the location where you want to initialize your project or leave blank to initialize in the present working directory.
root$ Enter the project name
- Enter your project name.
root$ Enter the link for the initialised GitHub repository.
- Enter a new github repository link if you want version control for the project or else leave blank
root$ Enter a description for the project.
- Enter a description for your project to initialise README.md file.
root$ Select a LICENSE for your project.
- Select the number corresponding to each LICENSE type you want to use:
- Apache 2.0
- MIT License
- None
├── CONDUCT.md
├── README.md
├── bin
├── doc
├── results
└── src
4 directories, 5 files
Developed by - Avinash Prabhakaran
Date - 16/11/2017