97 commits
to master
since this release
First test release of the upcoming next version of HyperHDR: v20beta1.
Update is also available in HyperHDR Debian/Ubuntu APT repository: link. Prebuild HyperHDR Raspberry Pi OS SD images status: link1 link2
Full list of changes below, with details in the attached links:
- Refactoring. Migration to C++ Smart Pointers. Move almost all main objects management under control of modern C++ smart pointers, fully control complicated life-cycle and ownership of HyperHDR components #691
- Windows/DirectX: use hardware acceleration (pixel & vertex shaders) for software capturing. Fixes issue #688 → #691
- Windows/DirectX: fix overexposed HDR stream with pixel shader. Fixes issue #689 → #691
- Windows/DirectX: autodetect HDR mode.Fixes issue #690 → #691
- Automatic database backup before applying structure changes when installing new version, json backups are saved in standard HyperHDR configuration home directory #691
- Smoothing clock is integrated directly within led driver: no more two separated & unsynchronized clocks for smoothing and led driver, also much more precise refresh times. Discussed here → #691
- HyperHDR driver for WLED has been switched to WLED Audio-Reactive-Led-Strip (WARLS) protocol removing old 490 LEDs limit https://github.com/Aircoookie/WLED/wiki/UDP-Realtime-Control → #691
- switch libCEC to mainstream since version 6.x is widely available now #691
- Linux: audio stream auto-resume on EPIPE error #691
- Improved headers including for faster compilation #691
- JSON API security vulnerability fixed #691
- Add video buffer memory caching to Pipewire grabber #691
- Fixed the LUT calibration page by removing potential scrollbars that could interfere with the final result #691
- Support for Pico (rp2040) boards using HyperSPI #691
- Fix over 500LEDs limit for HyperSPI when RPi5 is used #691
- Improved installers script #691
- Address CodeQL findings #691
- Fix logging tab that can be empty when opened and add button to copy logs #691
- ArtNet LED Controller: add toggle to prevent pixel color data split across two artnet universes. Fixes issue #657 → #691
- Ability to change MQTT Topic. Fixes issue #619 → #691
- MQTT: auto-resume. Fixes issue #570 → #691
- MQTT ability to execute multiply commands in one request. Fixes issue #642 → #691
- Each MQTT subcommand will return full response in the overall result at HyperHDR/JsonAPI/response #691
- Fix typo in LED strip name #670 Thanks @fluchfux
- Pipewire DMA & EGL hardware support (Wayland/x11 grabber) #556
- Upgrade Fedora 38 to 39, Ubuntu 23.04 to 23.10 #667
- Colorized logs #640
- Fix macOS build #638 #671 #672
- Update language file's. Thanks @AstaRom #617
- Make bonjour use logging utilities. Thanks @nurikk #529
- New interface: removed ancient Font Awesome 4 (so 2017...) Migrate to SVG: Bootstrap Icons and Google Material Icons/Symbols #605
- New device discovery service #605
- Stability improvements & bug fixing #605
- Fix QT5.15 issue when building on Windows #605
- Add new effect: Rainbow Waves #607
- MQTT: hostname address resolver. Thanks @lougovsk #586
- V4L: allow setting of V4L device input, fixes #537. Thanks @Thinner77 #540
- Update flatbuffers to v23.5.26 #596
- Pause the USB grabber when all LEDs are off to reduce load #608
- Add support for HD108 led strip, 16/48bits colors #527
- Use optional system libs for compiling #541
- Update mbedtls to 3.4.0 #589
- Add Ubuntu support to HyperHDR and Github Pages APT repository #522
- New JsonAPI method to calculate average color of selected instance #611
- Workaround for critical Rpi udev bug affecting serial ports #583
- Add Arch Linux support #520
- Fix chrome/edge fullscreen detection #519
- Add automatic LUT downloader & installer #568
- Allow LUT calibration when no USB grabber is present #518
- Live update WLED/udpraw LEDs number #564
- Add support for Raspberry Pi Pico (Rp2040) HyperSerialPico #560
- Do not use TurboJPEG for RGB during calibration #508
- Update Github actions/checkout@v3 #403
- glibc requirements for DEB installer #402
- Remove folders nesting #363
- New JSON API method to update smoothing parameters #352
- Update Github actions/download@v3 #372
- Remove depraciated ::set-output from Github Action #390
- Upgrade Bootstrap to 5.2.3 / improved 'video live preview' on smartphones #336
- Update language file's. Thanks @AstaRom #505