This repository contains scripts to recreate figures in paper [The 3D folding of metazoan genomes correlates with the association of similar repetitive elements] ( (2015). For queries or help getting these running, you can contact me on mail or open an issue at the github repository.
Scripts will run on OS X and other Unix-based systems. External dependencies should be installed somewhere on your $PATH
Lots of commonly-installed R packages are also used, including but not limited to:
(and UCSC hg19)
SRA tool
/ SRABowtie2
/ bowtie2ICE
/ hiclibGNU Scientific Library
/ GSLuthash a hash table in C
/ uthash
We downloaded raw data from Short Read Archive server at the following address, example for the first run of the bank hESC, replicate 2 from [Dixon et al. Nature 2012] (
We convert the files in fastq files using sra tool fastq-dump:
./fastq-dump /data/human/*
We separate both ends of the reads using the command lines written in the script :
We aligned the reads with iterative alignment procedure (scripts used: and of [hiclib] ( ). We modified the script to add a value threshold on the mapping quality (30 or 40). The modification is given in the python directory. Example of lines used to launch the alignment procedure:
bank='/media/human/bank400260/'; echo $bank;
python $bank $fast1 $fast2 $path_to_index $path_to_fasta $name_of_enzyme
We convert the output of the aligment which is in HDF5 format into text file with the script
bash /path_of_the_bank_of_the_output_of_aligment
We first assigned to each correct read the restriction fragment of the associated HiC experiment. We used a C code assignment.c. All the genome is put into memory for faster code execution. The file frag_hindiii_chrALL.dat1 contains the restriction map of the genome for the assoicated enzyme (a copy is present in the repository data). The map was done using the tool restrict from emboss (
The code assignment.c makes several filters on the reads:
- It filters a range of sizes of the DNA segments to the reads to be considered valid. This range must correspond to the range that the sequencer accepts. For example, we put it at [200 pb - 500 bp].
- It filters reads according to the distance between the start of the read and the next restriction site: reads too clothed of the restriction site could be non valid alignments.
- It filters reads belonging or not to the same chromosome.
To use the assignment.c, compile it and simply execute it:
gcc assignment.c
We then removed PCR duplicates i.e paires of reads that have exactly the same positions. This is done using the C code pcr_duplicate.c (using hash table for C with the library uthash-1.9.6).
gcc pcr_duplicate.c
If we want to filter all reads that overlap a repeated sequence of Repbase, we used the C code filter_reads_repeats.c (present in the file repeat_masker_hg19.dat1)
gcc filter_reads_repeats.c
We used the normalization procedure called SCN (presented in that we implemented in C. With dynamic allocation of memory, C language allows us to allocate big matrices (100000 x 100000) in a station with 50G of ram. The normalization is done in the code colocalization_cover.c
All calculations of Colocalization Scores of the groups of repeat elements and random sets were done in the same C code. For random numbers generetions and vectors manipulations, we used the generators from the GNU Scientific Library.
echoCompilation and linking of: $nom_prog .
echo compile :
gcc -I/usr/local/include -c $nom_prog.c
# gcc $nom_prog.c -lm
echo Linking :
gcc -L/usr/local/lib $nom_prog.o -lgsl -lgslcblas -lm
mv a.out matrix2
echo execution :
./matrix2 10 output_alignment_idpt_inter_bk55_56_57.dat.d120.pcr.outliners coverage_bins_hESC.dat 200 800
This program takes several arguments in input:
- a file of output of the aligment
- a file containing the information concerning a biological parameter of the bins used for the analysis, i.e could be the GC content, the reads coverage, the chromosomes distribution that will be used to make random sets with a particular null model.
- the thresholds [min - max] used for the normalization procedure that will exclude all bins whose norm is outside the ranges. It will notably filters poor interacting bins.
To calculate the bins coverage from a file of output of alignment, we use the C code bins_coverage.c. This code takes as input a file that contains coordinates of the bins and an alignment output file.
To have bins that are enriched with a certain repeat (repeat_masker_2013.dat22 file), we used the C code binnage_distrib.c which calculate the p-value of the null model of distribution (binomial law) associated with every bins. The library libRmath must be installed to use R functions in C. To compile :
gcc binnage_distrib.c -lRmath -lm
To lauch the calculus of the pvalue associated to each repeat element, we use R script null_model.R that makes the fit with a log normnal law to the group of random sets. To launch the script for every repeat, lauch it in the directory where you put the output of the colocalization_cover.c code:
To plot scatter plots of the different repeats elements. we use the R script: scatter_plot.R
Rscript scatter_plot2.R
It will generate the final plots as the ones presented in the Fig 2 or Fig 4 of the main text. An example of such figure is shown in
We used several R scripts:
For the Receiver Operating Curves (ROC) to show correlation between the age of the repeats elements and the significativity in Colocalization Score, we used roc_repeat_age.R. The different input files for this plot are given in the data repository.
For the Receiver Operating Curves (ROC) to show the correlation with enrichment of Transcription Factor Binding Sites (TFBS), we used the script roc_repeat_TFBS.R. The different input files for this plot are given in the data repository.
For the comparison beteween cell types repeats enriched with transcription factors CTCF, OCT4 and NANOG, we use the R script compare_cell_types.R.
Below is an output of sessionInfo() for troubleshooting purposes, some loaded packages may not be required and likewise, some required packages may not be loaded. An exception caused by attached packages is likely due to version issues.
R version 3.2.0 (2015-04-16)
Platform: x86_64-redhat-linux-gnu (64-bit)
Running under: CentOS Linux 7 (Core)
[3] LC_TIME=fr_FR.utf8 LC_COLLATE=fr_FR.utf8
[5] LC_MONETARY=fr_FR.utf8 LC_MESSAGES=fr_FR.utf8
[7] LC_PAPER=fr_FR.utf8 LC_NAME=C
attached base packages:
[1] stats graphics grDevices utils datasets methods base