- ofxBMath(own thing)
- ofxVJKinect(own thing)
- ofxKinect
- ofxBeatTracking
- ofxTrueTypeFontUC
plese refer to this URL
- OSX 10.6 and the later
- SDK 10.6 only
- Xcode 4.x
- openFrameworks v007
###Kinet Setup Side Please Refer to some Entries about running ofxKinect and connecting to OSX on Google.
###Ruby Side
At first, edit the ./bin/tweet_to_txt.rb file.
e.g.(about twitter developing acount's some informations and path_to_txt)
if you completely input the informations.
then, you run
cd ./bin
ruby tweet_to_txt.rb
You'll get tweet from twitter and export tweet txt file to ./bin directory.
###OpenFrameworks Side in Xcode
Open The Xcode Project File and Set up Xcode. e.g.(importing some addons and SDK 10.6)
Edit 'path_to_txt'
Finally Build and Run.