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hadley committed Aug 24, 2018
1 parent a87a051 commit 7bf844f
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Showing 3 changed files with 185 additions and 1 deletion.
31 changes: 31 additions & 0 deletions contributors.R
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,31 @@
contribs_all_json <- gh::gh("/repos/:owner/:repo/contributors",
owner = "hadley",
repo = "r4ds",
.limit = Inf
contribs_all <- tibble(
login = contribs_all_json %>% map_chr("login"),
n = contribs_all_json %>% map_int("contributions")

contribs_old <- read_csv("contributors.csv", col_types = list())
contribs_new <- contribs_all %>% anti_join(contribs_old)

# Get info for new contributors
needed_json <- map(
~ gh::gh("/users/:username", username = .x)
info_new <- tibble(
login = map_chr(needed_json, "login", .default = NA),
name = map_chr(needed_json, "name", .default = NA),
blog = map_chr(needed_json, "blog", .default = NA)
info_old <- contribs_old %>% select(login, name, blog)
info_all <- bind_rows(info_old, info_new)

contribs_all <- contribs_all %>%
left_join(info_all) %>%
write_csv(contribs_all, "contributors.csv")
139 changes: 139 additions & 0 deletions contributors.csv
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,139 @@
adidoit,1,adi pradhan,
agila5,1,Andrea Gilardi,
ajay-d,1,Ajay Deonarine,
andland,1,Andrew Landgraf,
aviast,1,Michael Henry,
batpigandme,1,Mara Averick,
bbrewington,1,Brent Brewington,
behrman,29,Bill Behrman,
benherbertson,3,Ben Herbertson,
benmarwick,2,Ben Marwick,
bensteinberg,4,Ben Steinberg,
bgreenwell,9,Brandon Greenwell,
bklamer,11,Brett Klamer,
chrMongeau,1,Christian Mongeau,
coopermor,2,Cooper Morris,
csgillespie,7,Colin Gillespie,
csrvermaak,7,Rademeyer Vermaak,
curious-abhinav,1,Abhinav Singh,
curtisalexander,1,Curtis Alexander,
cwarden,2,Christian G. Warden,
darrkj,1,Kenny Darrell,
davidrubinger,1,David Rubinger,
DDClark,1,David Clark,
derwinmcgeary,1,Derwin McGeary,
dgromer,2,Daniel Gromer,
dpastoor,2,Devin Pastoor,
duju211,12,Julian During,
dylancashman,1,Dylan Cashman,
eddelbuettel,1,Dirk Eddelbuettel,
EdwinTh,1,Edwin Thoen,
elgabbas,1,Ahmed El-Gabbas,
ericwatt,1,Eric Watt,
erikerhardt,2,Erik Erhardt,
etiennebr,2,Etienne B. Racine,
evjrob,1,Everett Robinson,
flemingspace,1,Flemming Villalona,
florisvdh,1,Floris Vanderhaeghe,
gadenbuie,1,Garrick Aden-Buie,
garrettgman,101,Garrett Grolemund,
GoldbergData,1,Josh Goldberg,
gridgrad,1,bahadir cankardes,
gustavdelius,2,Gustav W Delius,
hadley,725,Hadley Wickham,
hao-trivago,2,Hao Chen,
harrismcgehee,7,Harris McGehee,
hengnicai,1,Hengni Cai,
iansealy,3,Ian Sealy,
ijlyttle,3,Ian Lyttle,
ivan-krukov,1,Ivan Krukov,
jacobkap,1,Jacob Kaplan,
jazzlw,1,Jazz Weisman,
jdstorey,1,John D. Storey,
jeffboichuk,2,Jeff Boichuk,
jefferis,1,Gregory Jefferis,
jennybc,6,Jennifer (Jenny) Bryan,
jenren,1,Jen Ren,
jeroenjanssens,1,Jeroen Janssens,
jimhester,2,Jim Hester,
jjchern,6,JJ Chen,
joannejang,2,Joanne Jang,
johnsears,1,John Sears,
jonmcalder,1,Jon Calder,
jonpage,3,Jonathan Page,
jpetuchovas,1,Justinas Petuchovas,
jroberayalas,7,Jose Roberto Ayala Solares,
jules32,1,Julia Stewart Lowndes,
karawoo,1,Kara Woo,
katrinleinweber,1,Katrin Leinweber,
kdpsingh,5,Karandeep Singh,
khumph,1,Kyle Humphrey,
kirillseva,2,Kirill Sevastyanenko,
krlmlr,1,Kirill Müller,
landesbergn,1,Noah Landesberg,
maurolepore,2,Mauro Lepore,
mbeveridge,6,Mark Beveridge,
mfherman,1,Matt Herman,
mine-cetinkaya-rundel,4,Mine Cetinkaya-Rundel,
mjhendrickson,1,Matthew Hendrickson,
mustafaascha,1,Mustafa Ascha,
nareal,1,Nelson Areal,
nate-d-olson,1,Nate Olson,
nickclark1000,1,Nick Clark,
nirmalpatel,2,Nirmal Patel,
nmjakobsen,1,Nina Munkholt Jakobsen,
Nowosad,6,Jakub Nowosad,
peterhurford,1,Peter Hurford,
pkq,4,Patrick Kennedy,
radugrosu,10,Radu Grosu,
Ranae,2,Ranae Dietzel,
rgertenbach,1,Robin Gertenbach,
rlzijdeman,2,Richard Zijdeman,
robinsones,1,Emily Robinson,
RohanAlexander,1,Rohan Alexander,
RomeroBarata,1,Romero Morais,
rudeboybert,1,Albert Y. Kim,
schuess,2,Robert Schuessler,
seamus-mckinsey,4,Seamus McKinsey,
seasmith,1,Luke Smith,
sedaghatfar,3,Matthew Sedaghatfar,
sekR4,1,Sebastian Kraus,
sfirke,1,Sam Firke,
ShanEllis,1,Shannon Ellis,
sibusiso16,52,S'busiso Mkhondwane,
StevenMMortimer,1,Steven M. Mortimer,
stragu,1,Stéphane Guillou,
svenski,1,Sergiusz Bleja,
talgalili,1,Tal Galili,
timwaterhouse,1,Tim Waterhouse,
tjmahr,1,TJ Mahr,
tklebel,4,Thomas Klebel,
tomjamesprior,1,Tom Prior,
tteo,4,Terence Teo,
wibeasley,2,Will Beasley,
yihui,3,Yihui Xie,
yimingli,3,Yiming (Paul) Li,
yutannihilation,1,Hiroaki Yutani,
zo0z,1,Azza Ahmed,
16 changes: 15 additions & 1 deletion index.rmd
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -18,4 +18,18 @@ This is the website for __"R for Data Science"__. This book will teach you how t
This website is (and will always be) __free to use__, and is licensed under the [Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs 3.0]( License. If you'd like a __physical copy__ of the book, you can order it from [amazon](; it was published by O'Reilly in January 2017. If you'd like to __give back__
please make a donation to [Kākāpō Recovery]( the [kākāpō]( (which appers on the cover of R4DS) is a critically endangered native NZ parrot; there are only 148 left.

The book is written in [RMarkdown]( with [bookdown]( It is automatically rebuilt from [source]( by [travis](
The book is written in [RMarkdown]( with [bookdown]( It is automatically rebuilt from [source]( by [travis]( R4DS is a collaborative effort and many people have contributed fixes and improvements via pull request.

```{r, results = "asis", echo = FALSE, message = FALSE}
contributors <- readr::read_csv("contributors.csv", col_types = list())
contributors <- contributors %>%
link = glue::glue("[\\@{login}]({login})"),
desc = ifelse(, link, glue::glue("{name} ({link})"))
cat("A big thanks goes to everyone has contributed!\n")
cat(paste0(contributors$desc, collapse = ", "))

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