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auto-completions for bb.cli/dispatch
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Sohalt committed Mar 21, 2024
1 parent d319f1f commit d030850
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Showing 5 changed files with 239 additions and 16 deletions.
148 changes: 132 additions & 16 deletions src/babashka/cli.cljc
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -4,7 +4,8 @@
#?(:clj [clojure.edn :as edn]
:cljs [cljs.reader :as edn])
[babashka.cli.internal :as internal]
[clojure.string :as str])
[clojure.string :as str]
[clojure.set :as set])
#?(:clj (:import (clojure.lang ExceptionInfo))))

#?(:clj (set! *warn-on-reflection* true))
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -590,8 +591,116 @@
{} table))

(table->tree [{:cmds [] :fn identity}])
(table->tree [{:cmds [] :fn identity}]))

;; completion
(defn format-long-opt [k]
(str "--" (kw->str k)))
(defn format-short-opt [k]
(str "-" (kw->str k)))

(defn possibilities [cmd-tree]
(concat (keys (:cmd cmd-tree))
(map format-long-opt (keys (:spec cmd-tree)))
(map format-short-opt (keep :alias (vals (:spec cmd-tree))))))

(defn true-prefix? [prefix s]
(and (< (count prefix) (count s))
(str/starts-with? s prefix)))

(defn second-to-last [xs]
(when (>= (count xs) 2) (nth xs (- (count xs) 2))))

(def possible-values (constantly []))

(defn strip-prefix [prefix s]
(if (str/starts-with? s prefix)
(subs s (count prefix))

(defn bool-opt? [o spec]
(let [long-opt? (str/starts-with? o "--")
opt-kw (if long-opt?
(keyword (strip-prefix "--" o))
(some (fn [[k v]] (when (= (keyword (strip-prefix "-" o)) (:alias v)) k)) spec))]
(= :boolean (get-in spec [opt-kw :coerce]))))

(defn is-gnu-option? [s]
(and s (str/starts-with? s "-")))

(defn complete-tree
"given a CLI spec in tree form and input as a list of tokens,
returns possible tokens to complete the input"
[cmd-tree input]
(let [[head & tail] input
head (or head "")
subtree (get-in cmd-tree [:cmd head])]
(if (and subtree (first tail))
;; matching command -> descend tree
(complete-tree subtree tail)
(if (is-gnu-option? head)
(let [{:keys [args opts err]} (try (parse-args input cmd-tree)
(catch clojure.lang.ExceptionInfo _ {:err :error}))]
(if (and args (not (str/blank? (first args))))
;; parsed/consumed options and still have args left -> descend tree
(complete-tree cmd-tree args)
;; no more args -> last input is (part of) an opt or opt value or empty string
(let [to-complete (last input)
previous-token (second-to-last input)]
(if (and (is-gnu-option? previous-token) (not (bool-opt? previous-token (:spec cmd-tree))))
;; complete value
(possible-values previous-token)
(let [possible-commands (keys (:cmd cmd-tree))
;; don't suggest options which we already have parsed
possible-options (set/difference (set (keys (:spec cmd-tree))) (set (keys opts)))
;; generate string representation of possible options
possible-completions (concat possible-commands
(map format-long-opt possible-options)
(keep (fn [option-name]
(when-let [alias (get-in cmd-tree [:spec option-name :alias])]
(format-short-opt alias)))
(filter (partial true-prefix? to-complete) possible-completions))))))
(filter (partial true-prefix? head) (possibilities cmd-tree))))))

(defn complete [cmd-table input]
(complete-tree (table->tree cmd-table) input))

(defn generate-completion-shell-snippet [type program-name]
(case type
:bash (format "_babashka_cli_dynamic_completion()
source <( \"$1\" --babashka.cli/complete \"bash\" \"${COMP_WORDS[*]// / }\" )
complete -o nosort -F _babashka_cli_dynamic_completion %s
" program-name)
:zsh (format "#compdef %s
source <( \"${words[1]}\" --babashka.cli/complete \"zsh\" \"${words[*]// / }\" )
" program-name)
:fish (format "function _babashka_cli_dynamic_completion
set --local COMP_LINE (commandline --cut-at-cursor)
%s --babashka.cli/complete fish $COMP_LINE
complete --command %s --no-files --arguments \"(_babashka_cli_dynamic_completion)\"
" program-name program-name)))

(defn print-completion-shell-snippet [type program-name]
(print (generate-completion-shell-snippet type program-name)))

(defn format-completion [shell {:keys [completion description]}]
(case shell
:bash (format "COMPREPLY+=( \"%s\" )" completion)
:zsh (str "compadd" (when description (str " -x \"" description "\"")) " -- " completion)
:fish completion))

(defn print-completions [shell tree cmdline]
(let [[_program-name & to-complete] (str/split (str/triml cmdline) #" +" -1)
completions (complete-tree tree to-complete)]
(doseq [completion completions]
(println (format-completion shell {:completion completion})))))

;; dispatch

(defn- deep-merge [a b]
(reduce (fn [acc k] (update acc k (fn [v]
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -656,19 +765,26 @@
([tree args]
(dispatch-tree tree args nil))
([tree args opts]
(let [{:as res :keys [cmd-info error available-commands]}
(dispatch-tree' tree args opts)
error-fn (or (:error-fn opts)
(fn [{:keys [msg] :as data}]
(throw (ex-info msg data))))]
(case error
(:no-match :input-exhausted)
(error-fn (merge
{:type :org.babashka/cli
:cause error
:all-commands available-commands}
(select-keys res [:wrong-input :opts :dispatch])))
nil ((:fn cmd-info) (dissoc res :cmd-info))))))
(let [command-name (get-in opts [:completion :command])
[opt shell cmdline] args]
(case opt
(print-completion-shell-snippet (keyword shell) command-name)
(print-completions (keyword shell) tree cmdline)
(let [{:as res :keys [cmd-info error available-commands]}
(dispatch-tree' tree args opts)
error-fn (or (:error-fn opts)
(fn [{:keys [msg] :as data}]
(throw (ex-info msg data))))]
(case error
(:no-match :input-exhausted)
(error-fn (merge
{:type :org.babashka/cli
:cause error
:all-commands available-commands}
(select-keys res [:wrong-input :opts :dispatch])))
nil ((:fn cmd-info) (dissoc res :cmd-info))))))))

(defn dispatch
"Subcommand dispatcher.
Expand Down
95 changes: 95 additions & 0 deletions test/babashka/cli/completion_test.clj
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,95 @@
(ns babashka.cli.completion-test
(:require [babashka.cli :as cli :refer [complete]]
[ :as io]
[clojure.test :refer :all]))

(def cmd-table
[{:cmds ["foo"] :spec {:foo-opt {:coerece :string
:alias :f}
:foo-opt2 {:coerece :string}
:foo-flag {:coerce :boolean
:alias :l}}}
{:cmds ["foo" "bar"] :spec {:bar-opt {:coerce :keyword}
:bar-flag {:coerce :boolean}}}
{:cmds ["bar"]}
{:cmds ["bar-baz"]}])

(deftest completion-test
(testing "complete commands"
(is (= #{"foo" "bar" "bar-baz"} (set (complete cmd-table [""]))))
(is (= #{"bar" "bar-baz"} (set (complete cmd-table ["ba"]))))
(is (= #{"bar-baz"} (set (complete cmd-table ["bar"]))))
(is (= #{"foo"} (set (complete cmd-table ["f"])))))

(testing "no completions for full command"
(is (= #{} (set (complete cmd-table ["foo"])))))

(testing "complete subcommands and options"
(is (= #{"bar" "-f" "--foo-opt" "--foo-opt2" "-l" "--foo-flag"} (set (complete cmd-table ["foo" ""])))))

(testing "complete suboption"
(is (= #{"-f" "--foo-opt" "--foo-opt2" "-l" "--foo-flag"} (set (complete cmd-table ["foo" "-"])))))

(testing "complete short-opt"
(is (= #{} (set (complete cmd-table ["foo" "-f"]))))
(is (= #{} (set (complete cmd-table ["foo" "-f" ""]))))
(is (= #{} (set (complete cmd-table ["foo" "-f" "foo-val"]))))
(is (= #{} (set (complete cmd-table ["foo" "-f" "bar"]))))
(is (= #{} (set (complete cmd-table ["foo" "-f" "foo-flag"]))))
(is (= #{} (set (complete cmd-table ["foo" "-f" "foo-opt2"]))))
(is (= #{} (set (complete cmd-table ["foo" "-f" "123"]))))
(is (= #{} (set (complete cmd-table ["foo" "-f" ":foo"]))))
(is (= #{} (set (complete cmd-table ["foo" "-f" "true"]))))
(is (= #{"bar" "--foo-opt2" "-l" "--foo-flag"} (set (complete cmd-table ["foo" "-f" "foo-val" ""])))))

(testing "complete option with same prefix"
(is (= #{"--foo-opt" "--foo-opt2" "--foo-flag"} (set (complete cmd-table ["foo" "--foo"]))))
(is (= #{"--foo-opt2"} (set (complete cmd-table ["foo" "--foo-opt"])))))

(testing "complete long-opt"
(is (= #{} (set (complete cmd-table ["foo" "--foo-opt2"]))))
(is (= #{} (set (complete cmd-table ["foo" "--foo-opt" ""]))))
(is (= #{} (set (complete cmd-table ["foo" "--foo-opt" "foo-val"]))))
(is (= #{} (set (complete cmd-table ["foo" "--foo-opt" "bar"]))))
(is (= #{} (set (complete cmd-table ["foo" "--foo-opt" "foo-flag"]))))
(is (= #{} (set (complete cmd-table ["foo" "--foo-opt" "foo-opt2"]))))
(is (= #{} (set (complete cmd-table ["foo" "--foo-opt" "123"]))))
(is (= #{} (set (complete cmd-table ["foo" "--foo-opt" ":foo"]))))
(is (= #{} (set (complete cmd-table ["foo" "--foo-opt" "true"]))))
(is (= #{"bar" "--foo-opt2" "-l" "--foo-flag"} (set (complete cmd-table ["foo" "--foo-opt" "foo-val" ""])))))

(is (= #{"--foo-flag"} (set (complete cmd-table ["foo" "--foo-f"]))))

(testing "complete short flag"
(is (= #{} (set (complete cmd-table ["foo" "-l"]))))
(is (= #{"bar" "-f" "--foo-opt" "--foo-opt2"} (set (complete cmd-table ["foo" "-l" ""])))))

(testing "complete long flag"
(is (= #{} (set (complete cmd-table ["foo" "--foo-flag"]))))
(is (= #{"bar" "-f" "--foo-opt" "--foo-opt2"} (set (complete cmd-table ["foo" "--foo-flag" ""])))))

(is (= #{"-f" "--foo-opt" "--foo-opt2"} (set (complete cmd-table ["foo" "--foo-flag" "-"]))))
(is (= #{"bar"} (set (complete cmd-table ["foo" "--foo-flag" "b"]))))

(testing "complete subcommand"
(is (= #{"--bar-opt" "--bar-flag"} (set (complete cmd-table ["foo" "--foo-flag" "bar" ""]))))
(is (= #{"--bar-opt" "--bar-flag"} (set (complete cmd-table ["foo" "--foo-flag" "bar" "-"]))))
(is (= #{"--bar-opt" "--bar-flag"} (set (complete cmd-table ["foo" "--foo-flag" "bar" "--"]))))
(is (= #{"--bar-opt" "--bar-flag"} (set (complete cmd-table ["foo" "--foo-flag" "bar" "--bar-"]))))
(is (= #{"--bar-opt"} (set (complete cmd-table ["foo" "--foo-flag" "bar" "--bar-o"]))))
(is (= #{} (set (complete cmd-table ["foo" "--foo-flag" "bar" "--bar-opt" "a"]))))
(is (= #{"--bar-flag"} (set (complete cmd-table ["foo" "--foo-flag" "bar" "--bar-opt" "bar-val" ""]))))))

(deftest parse-opts-completion-test
(cli/parse-opts ["--babashka.cli/completion-snippet" "zsh"] {:complete true})
(cli/parse-opts ["--babashka.cli/complete" "zsh" "foo"] {:complete true}))

(deftest dispatch-completion-test
(is (= (slurp (io/resource "resources/completion/completion.zsh")) (with-out-str (cli/dispatch cmd-table ["--babashka.cli/completion-snippet" "zsh"] {:completion {:command "myprogram"}}))))
(is (= (slurp (io/resource "resources/completion/completion.bash")) (with-out-str (cli/dispatch cmd-table ["--babashka.cli/completion-snippet" "bash"] {:completion {:command "myprogram"}}))))
(is (= (slurp (io/resource "resources/completion/")) (with-out-str (cli/dispatch cmd-table ["--babashka.cli/completion-snippet" "fish"] {:completion {:command "myprogram"}}))))

(is (= "compadd -- foo\n" (with-out-str (cli/dispatch cmd-table ["--babashka.cli/complete" "zsh" "myprogram f"] {:completion {:command "myprogram"}}))))
(is (= "COMPREPLY+=( \"foo\" )\n" (with-out-str (cli/dispatch cmd-table ["--babashka.cli/complete" "bash" "myprogram f "] {:completion {:command "myprogram"}}))))
(is (= "foo\n" (with-out-str (cli/dispatch cmd-table ["--babashka.cli/complete" "fish" "myprogram f "] {:completion {:command "myprogram"}})))))
5 changes: 5 additions & 0 deletions test/resources/completion/completion.bash
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,5 @@
source <( "$1" --babashka.cli/complete "bash" "${COMP_WORDS[*]// / }" )
complete -o nosort -F _babashka_cli_dynamic_completion myprogram
5 changes: 5 additions & 0 deletions test/resources/completion/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,5 @@
function _babashka_cli_dynamic_completion
set --local COMP_LINE (commandline --cut-at-cursor)
myprogram --babashka.cli/complete fish $COMP_LINE
complete --command myprogram --no-files --arguments "(_babashka_cli_dynamic_completion)"
2 changes: 2 additions & 0 deletions test/resources/completion/completion.zsh
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,2 @@
#compdef myprogram
source <( "${words[1]}" --babashka.cli/complete "zsh" "${words[*]// / }" )

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