The program iterates over the pixels and change the color of the pixels that are different in source image and target image.
python3 source_image target_image comparison_output blended_output epsilon color
where source_image
is the sample scene, ( Example: ../sample_scenes/outputs/bfc_on/monkey.ppm
is the result of your code, ( Example outputs/monkey.ppm
is the result image that has been colored by the color
given by the user
is the result image that has been colored by the difference of errorenous pixels
is the acceptable int range for a pixel to be considered the same ( Exmaple: (255,255,255) == (255,254,254) )
is the color preferred by the user in order to change the color of different pixels in the source and target files
Color Options = [white, yellow, cyan, green, magenta, red, blue, black] or specified by the user with three integer.
python3 test/simple_reflectance.ppm test/bfc_off_simple_reflectance.ppm comparison_image.ppm blended_image.ppm 5 cyan