0 commits
to 30332394442b19347cd8b871506951927462272a
since this release
Things that changed in this release
- 3033239 - plugin version fix
- 5643d0c - add javadoc
- 95aacc2 - fix (#297)
- b7165c2 - Releasefix (#296)
- d48bfc3 - unit test fix (#295)
- f8588ce - secfix (#294)
- 44171e6 - Actionfix (#293)
- 6a08f00 - Actionfix (#292)
- c074676 - Bump protobuf-java from 3.19.6 to 3.21.9 in /starlight (#288)
- 4ee17df - Bump maven-gpg-plugin from 1.6 to 3.0.1 in /starlight (#286)
- 6738948 - Bump maven-source-plugin in /spring-cloud-starter-baidu-starlight (#287)
- 5303df0 - Bump maven-assembly-plugin in /spring-cloud-starter-baidu-starlight (#289)
- 032c5f0 - Bump maven-compiler-plugin from 3.7.0 to 3.10.1 in /starlight (#291)
- c96ba28 - Bump maven-assembly-plugin from 3.1.0 to 3.4.2 in /starlight (#290)
- dd226bf - Bump maven-deploy-plugin in /spring-cloud-starter-baidu-starlight (#284)
- 4c44790 - Bump maven-gpg-plugin in /spring-cloud-starter-baidu-starlight (#282)
- 01022fd - Bump maven-install-plugin in /spring-cloud-starter-baidu-starlight (#281)
- a2d0ea3 - Bump maven-javadoc-plugin from 2.9.1 to 3.4.1 in /starlight (#280)
- 17c1f37 - Bump maven-source-plugin from 2.2.1 to 3.2.1 in /starlight (#279)
- 2e831b7 - Bump nexus-staging-maven-plugin in /spring-cloud-starter-baidu-starlight (#278)
- 250441d - Bump maven-surefire-plugin from 2.21.0 to 2.22.2 in /starlight (#277)
- 84c2436 - Bump maven-compiler-plugin in /spring-cloud-starter-baidu-starlight (#275)
- e113062 - Bump maven-surefire-plugin in /spring-cloud-starter-baidu-starlight (#274)
- cdd6caa - Bump maven-install-plugin from 2.5.1 to 3.0.1 in /starlight (#273)
- 174b877 - add denpendabot (#272)
- eeb7373 - Readme (#271)
- 882fab0 - update action version & add devcontainer(#270)
- 1fda348 - snapshot merge (#269)
- c0ebdb0 - repocache (#268)
- 4bfb1cd - sync code and remove surefire plugin (#267)
- ce25cbc - Update README.md (#266)
- d083eb7 - readme (#265)
- 891346d - Springboot demo multi protocol (#264)
- c6d8e01 - support ThreadPoolFactory SPI (#262)
- 80e5c95 - Badge (#263)
- 55289f4 - remove git-commit-id-plugin (#261)
- 7a51b62 - remove unused maven config (#258)
- 49f71ab - Codecov (#259)
- 96fa4d8 - Create unit-test.yml (#257)
- cdc1469 - Create CODE_OF_CONDUCT.md (#256)
- 69478bf - Update issue templates (#255)
- 681ba1a - add readme (#254)
- 09b3b55 - remove protoc-jar-maven-plugin (#253)
- 69a1dfc - Merge pull request #250 from dragon-zhang/main
- 8a87a60 - fix junit test and javadoc error (#251)
- 6d04c2f - remove unnecessary refer
- f3f0b63 - Merge branch 'baidu:main' into main
- ce77fb3 - Bump protobuf-java (#249)
- 9992ff9 - Bump gson from 2.8.5 to 2.8.9 in /spring-cloud-starter-baidu-starlight (#246)
- 68b07c2 - Bump junit from 4.12 to 4.13.1 in /starlight (#245)
- 6c7ffd2 - Bump protobuf-java in /starlight/starlight-serialization (#248)
- 9bedc45 - [type: example] add generic call examples
- 8523ccf - Update FailOverClusterClient.java
- 99e7001 - delete cache
- 3e94067 - initial commit
- 6fb5c51 - Initial Commit