printf Project Description This team project is part of the first year curriculum of ALX. _printf replicates the C standard library printf() function.
What you should learn from this project:
How to use git in a team setting Applying variadic functions to a big project The complexities of printf Managing a lot of files and finding a good workflow Prototype int _printf(const char *format, ...);
Usage Prints a string to the standard output, according to a given format All files were created and compiled on Ubuntu 14.04.4 LTS using GCC 4.8.4 with the command gcc -Wall -Werror -Wextra -pedantic *.c Returns the number of characters in the output string on success, -1 otherwise Call it this way: _printf("format string", arguments...) where format string can contain conversion specifiers and flags, along with regular characters Examples _printf("Hello, main\n") prints "Hello, Main", followed by a new line _printf("%s", "Hello") prints "Hello" _printf("This is a number: %d", 98) prints "This is a number: 98" Tasks These are all the tasks of this project, the ones that are completed link to the corresponding files.
- I'm not going anywhere. You can print that wherever you want to. I'm here and I'm a Spur for life Write a function that produces output according to format. c : converts input into a character s : converts input into a string
- Education is when you read the fine print. Experience is what you get if you don't Handle the following conversion specifiers: d : converts input into a base 10 integer i : converts input into an integer
- Just because it's in print doesn't mean it's the gospel Create a man page for your function
- With a face like mine, I do better in print Handle the following conversion specifiers: b : the unsigned int argument is converted to binary
- What one has not experienced, one will never understand in print Handle the following conversion specifiers: u : converts the input into an unsigned integer o : converts the input into an octal number x : converts the input into a hexadecimal number X : converts the input into a hexadecimal number with capital letters
- Nothing in fine print is ever good news Use a local buffer of 1024 chars in order to call write as little as possible.
- My weakness is wearing too much leopard print Handle the following custom conversion specifier: S : prints the string Non printable characters (0 < ASCII value < 32 or >= 127) are printed this way: \x, followed by the ASCII code value in hexadecimal (upper case - always 2 characters)
- How is the world ruled and led to war? Diplomats lie to journalists and believe these lies when they see them in print Handle the following conversion specifier: p : int input is converted to a pointer address
- The big print gives and the small print takes away Handle the following flag characters for non-custom conversion specifiers:
- : adds a + in front of signed positive numbers and a - in front of signed negative numbers space : same as +, but adds a space (is overwritten by +)
: adds a 0 in front of octal conversions that don't begin with one, and a 0x or 0X for x or X conversions
[9. Sarcasm is lost in print] Handle the following length modifiers for non-custom conversion specifiers: l : converts d, i, u, o, x, X conversions in short signed or unsigned ints h : converts d, i, u, o, x, X conversions in long signed or unsigned ints [10. Print some money and give it to us for the rain forests] Handle the field width for non-custom conversion specifiers. [11. The negative is the equivalent of the composer's score, and the print the performance] Handle the precision for non-custom conversion specifiers. [12. It's depressing when you're still around and your albums are out of print] Handle the 0 flag character for non-custom conversion specifiers. [13. Every time that I wanted to give up, if I saw an interesting textile, print what ever, suddenly I would see a collection] Handle the - flag character for non-custom conversion specifiers. 14. Print is the sharpest and the strongest weapon of our party Handle the following custom conversion specifier: r : prints the reversed string 15. The flood of print has turned reading into a process of gulping rather than savoring Handle the following custom conversion specifier: R : prints the rot13'ed string 16. All the above options work well together.