Debian, Ubuntu:
sudo aptitude install xvfb xfonts-base xfonts-75dpi xfonts-100dpi imagemagick ttf-mscorefonts-installer python-qt4 python-qt4 build-essential flashplugin-installer ruby ruby1.8-dev irb rdoc redis-server git-core rubygems rake
sudo gem install redis -v "1.0.7"
sudo gem install sinatra json resque
sudo cp /usr/bin/
sudo chmod o+x /usr/bin/
git clone git://
The redis 2.0 driver doesn't currently work with resque (
#add a sample
#ruby sample.rb
QUEUE=* rake resque:work
rescue-web #optional
#run the webserver
ruby server.rb
wget http://localhost:4567/schedule?url=
The last statement will return a json string with the uid of the job and the location of the filename.
When the screenshot is taken you will receive a callback with the screenshots location as a parameter (as well as the id).