The .NET MAUI - Archive / Publish tool extension for Visual Studio Code provides a set of essential tools to streamline the process of packaging and publishing .NET MAUI (Multi-platform App UI) projects. Whether you're targeting Android, iOS, or Windows platforms, this extension equips you with the necessary tools to manage provisioning profiles, keystore files.
Android | iOS | Windows | MacCatalyst | Tizen |
✅ (macOS/Windows) | ✅ (macOS only) | ✅ (Windows only) | Planned in Q1-2025 | ⛔️ |
Q1 - 2025:
- Direct upload to Google Play
- Direct upload to TestFlight / AppStore
- MacCatalyst publish
- Open Visual Studio Code.
- Go to the Extensions view (Ctrl+Shift+X).
- Search for ".NET MAUI - Archive / Publish tool"
- Click "Install" to add the extension to your VS Code setup.
Find it here:
- Open your .NET MAUI project in Visual Studio Code.
- Access the Command Palette (Ctrl+Shift+P).
MAUI Archive: Publish Android
Initiates the process of publishing a .NET MAUI app for the Android platform. Users can choose between signed and unsigned builds, apk and aab formats.
MAUI Archive: Publish iOS
Initiates the process of publishing a .NET MAUI app for the iOS platform. Users can choose signing profiles and keys.
MAUI Archive: Publish Windows
Initiates the process of publishing a .NET MAUI app for the Windows platform. Users can choose between packaged and non packaged apps.
MAUI Archive: iOS - List of Provisioning Profiles
Lists all available provisioning profiles installed on the machine for iOS projects.
MAUI Archive: Android - Check Signature of keystore
Lists all keystores. Additionally, allows users to check the signature of a selected keystore.
MAUI Archive: Android - Generate Code Signing Key
Prompts the required paramters and executes the necessary command (keytool -genkeypair
) to generate a code signing key for Android apps.
MAUI Archive: Documentation of publishing Android apps (Microsoft)
MAUI Archive: Documentation of publishing iOS apps (Microsoft)
MAUI Archive: Documentation of publishing Windows apps (Microsoft)
Opens the browser with additional information about the archive / publish process of each platform (
MAUI Archive: Settings
Opens the settings for the MAUI Archive extension, allowing users to configure parameters such as output paths and Android keystore list paths.
Setting name | Description | Default Value |
Build configuration | You can specify a custom build configuration when publishing your apps | 'Release' |
Dotnet version | You can specify a custom dotnet version like net7.0 when publishing your apps | 'net9.0' |
Enable Solution file format | When searching the workspace for .csproj files, this setting enabled the discovery of .sln files aswell | 'false' |
Android keystore directory | You can specify a custom directory path to your Android keystore files | - |
Android key tool path | Set a custom directory where your Android keystores are located at. Leave blank for default. | - |
Android JDK version | Set the version for compatibility with Java Development kit. Get the version with 'java --version' Recommended: Microsoft OpenJDK 17 or up. | 'jdk17+' |
Use explicit Android version | You can specify a custom version of Android to use as a target framework | - |
iOS Runtime identifier | You can change the default architeture for iOS apps | 'ios-arm64' |
Use explicit iOS version | You can specify a custom version of iOS to use as a target framework | - |
iOS Provisioning profiles path | Set a custom directory where your iOS Provisioning Profiles are located at. Leave blank for default. (Developer/XCode/UserData/ProvisioningProfiles) | - |
Use explicit Windows version | You can specify a custom version of Windows to use as a target framework. Always use a value, do not leave it blank | '10.0.19041.0' |
Your feedback is valuable! If you encounter any issues or have suggestions for improvement, please submit an issue on GitHub.
Pull requests are welcomed. For major changes, please open a discussion first.
Iphone icons created by khulqi Rosyid - Flaticon
Thanks to Gerald Versluis and James Montemagno for spreading the word about this tool.