- Support Stylelint v14
- Drop compatbility with Stylelint v13
The new recommended configuration enforces additional rules and this may raise new linting errors. I don't want to examine all the new rules now, so I suggest disabling temporarily the new rules in your project for now. Most of them can be fixed automatically, so it won't be big deal to change them in the future.
Here is a set of rules that raised errors after the update:
alpha-value-notation: null
at-rule-no-vendor-prefix: null
color-function-notation: null
declaration-block-no-redundant-longhand-properties: null
hue-degree-notation: null
keyframes-name-pattern: null
max-line-length: null
media-feature-name-no-vendor-prefix: null
number-max-precision: null
property-no-vendor-prefix: null
selector-class-pattern: null
selector-id-pattern: null
selector-no-vendor-prefix: null
shorthand-property-no-redundant-values: null
string-quotes: null
value-no-vendor-prefix: null