A Magento2 extension that prevents billing/shipping addresses being saved via the API with known trojan order strings.
Vatfallback module provides an extra API based validation and a fallback offline regex validation for the unstable VIES database used by Magento
Magento 2 Extension to cleanup admin menu and Store > Configuration area by arranging third party extension items.
Helper script to aid upgrading magento 2 websites by detecting overrides. Now supports third party module detections
Libraries for adding WS-* support to ext/soap in PHP
Magento2 module for redirecting simple product requests to configurable
An Ngrok v2 container based on wizardapps/ngrok and fnichol/ngrok
Loads environment variables from `.env` to `getenv()`, `$_ENV` and `$_SERVER` automagically.
This Magento2 module provides mock classes when you have physically removed unneeded core modules with dependencies.
Revive your project by adding integration tests to your Magento 2 store
🚄 Fast Generated Object Hydrator for PHP
Don't remind others the SOLID guidances, do it programatically
Fixture library for Magento 2 integration tests by @schmengler (@integer-net)
Magento 2: Patch converter for code which was installed from composer
Removes `final` and `readonly` keywords from source code on-the-fly and allows mocking of final methods and classes. It can be used together with any test tool such as PHPUnit or Mockery.
PHP library containing type-safe array-like objects
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Sends your logs to files, sockets, inboxes, databases and various web services
A skeleton application for creating and processing background jobs.
Serialize closures, anonymous classes, and arbitrary data
This docker image is available as exozet/php-fpm on
Docker image: PHP-FPM with XDEBUG enabled.
PHP development stack with Docker and Docker-compose