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Bastion v0.4.0

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@vertexclique vertexclique released this 21 Jul 14:23
· 67 commits to master since this release

Getting Started | Examples | API documentation

What is new?

This release is coming with exciting features:

  • Agnostik executor runtime
    • With Agnostik, Bastion can run on any runtime. Head over to the agnostik project for more information.
  • Nuclei , an agnostic proactive IO system
    • With nuclei and agnostik, IO and executors are separated.
    • You can mix and match any executor with agnostik and use the same IO system.
    • Nuclei is based on Proactive IO.
    • Nuclei supports io_uring and works well with completion based evented IO. Windows support is currently in the works.
    • Completely async, can be independently used from Bastion.
      • It will power Bastion’s IO system and ecosystem.
  • Autoscaling feature for actors
    • Right now with the scaling feature enabled, you can create actor groups in Bastion that will adapt to incoming workload according to given resizer parameters.
    • Example construction is like:
        .with_redundancy(3) // Start with 3 actors
        .with_heartbeat_tick(Duration::from_secs(5)) // Do heartbeat each 5 seconds
                .with_lower_bound(1) // A minimal acceptable size of group
                .with_upper_bound(UpperBound::Limit(10)) // Max 10 actors in runtime
                .with_upscale_strategy(UpscaleStrategy::MailboxSizeThreshold(3)) // Scale up when a half of actors have more than 3 messages
                .with_upscale_rate(0.1) // Increase the size of group on 10%, if necessary to scale up
                .with_downscale_rate(0.2), // Decrease the size of group on 20%, if there are too many idle actors
  • Cluster/distributed actors
  • Named child in children groups
    • Right now you can get the names of the child in children groups. You can use that for logging or anything that comes to mind.
    • With this enabled everything is user readable content addressable in Bastion runtime.
  • Heartbeat for children
    • Now runtime continuously watches children with heartbeat to check their status and do sampling over their internals.
    • This feature doesn’t require any feature flags.
    • Used in scaling example as seen above:
        .with_heartbeat_tick(Duration::from_secs(5)) // Do heartbeat each 5 seconds
  • Dispatchers allow you to route specific messages to specific groups and collect messages from them.
  • Dead letters mailbox so undelivered messages can be processed or monitored later on.
  • Lockfree runtime statistics sampling for run queue offloading.
  • Actor registry support
  • Restart strategy for actors:
    • We have written a restart strategy for actors, so they can be restarted with various backoff strategies like linear, exponential etc. Moreover, if panic or error occurs in your actors, you can define a max restart policy to give up after n attempts, or maybe never ? maybe you don’t want to restart at all…
    // At the beginning we're creating a new instance of RestartStrategy
    // we then provide a policy and a back-off strategy.
    let restart_strategy = RestartStrategy::default()
        // Set the limits for supervisor, so that it could stop
        // after 3 attempts. If the actor can't be started, the supervisor
        // will remove the failed actor from tracking.
        // Set the desired restart strategy. By default supervisor will
        // try to restore the failed actor as soon as possible. However,
        // in our case we want to restart with a small delay between the
        // tries. Let's say that we want a regular time interval between the
        // attempts which is equal to 1 second.
        .with_actor_restart_strategy(ActorRestartStrategy::LinearBackOff {
            timeout: Duration::from_secs(1),
  • Adapted NUMA allocator to latest Alloc API to make use of it easily with Bastion.