Author: Brandon Autrey
├─┬ backend → backend module with Spring Boot code
│ ├── src
│ └── pom.xml
├─┬ frontend → frontend module with Vue.js code
│ ├── src
│ └── pom.xml
└── pom.xml → Maven parent pom managing both modules
This is a practice project to use the skills I learned in Enterprise Systems Integration Master class and to expand upon what I've learned. This project also borrows ideas from this spring-boot-vuejs repository.
To write a library book rental application for a small group of people, such as an office. This is inspired from real-life as a way to manage technical books meant to share with other co-workers.
The books are donated to the library but yet still have the owner attached to the book. The owner is the person who bought the book.
Other members can borrow a book, which is then put into the system for the other members to see. When a book is returned, the library gets updated that the book is available.
A member can write a review for a book. When the book is returned, the member that borrowed the book is prompted to write a review and will be marked as verified, as in they read the book.
A member can be put on a watch list for a book if the book is not available. When the book is returned, all the member who are watching the book are notified by email that the book is now available.
Deployed at Heroku at:
heroku login
heroku create
git push heroku master
- Pushes code to Heroku from master
heroku ps:scale web=1
heroku open
- Open new tab in the browser to show app
git push heroku <branch>:master
- Pushes branch/master to Heroku
heroku git:remote --app my-app-name
- Switch the remote Heroku is hooked too
heroku pg:psql postgresql-globular-10076 --app tartu-library
- Login to Postgres DB CLI
heroku info
heroku config
- Set config variables
heroku config:set _JAVA_OPTIONS="--enable-preview -XX:+ShowCodeDetailsInExceptionMessages"
- Sets the java preview features to be ran with app
heroku logs --tail
- View only the tail of the logs on the server
Useful commands: Link
- show all tables in the current scheme\dt+
- show table sizes
- quit psqlheroku pg:psql postgresql-globular-10076 --app tartu-library < src/main/resources/seed.sql
- run seed.sql file on the postgres database
Build docker container: docker build . --tag library:latest
Run Docker container: docker run -d -p 8090:8090 --name library library
View running Docker containers: docker ps
View logs: docker logs <container id> --follow
Stop Docker app: docker stop <container id>
Remove Docker app: docker rm <container id>