WORKSPACE snippet:
load("@bazel_tools//tools/build_defs/repo:http.bzl", "http_archive")
name = "rules_oci",
sha256 = "d7b0760ba28554b71941ea0bbfd0a9f089bf250fd4448f9c116e1cb7a63b3933",
strip_prefix = "rules_oci-0.4.0",
url = "https://github.com/bazel-contrib/rules_oci/releases/download/v0.4.0/rules_oci-v0.4.0.tar.gz",
load("@rules_oci//oci:dependencies.bzl", "rules_oci_dependencies")
load("@rules_oci//oci:repositories.bzl", "LATEST_CRANE_VERSION", "LATEST_ZOT_VERSION", "oci_register_toolchains")
name = "oci",
crane_version = LATEST_CRANE_VERSION,
# Uncommenting the zot toolchain will cause it to be used instead of crane for some tasks.
# Note that it does not support docker-format images.
# zot_version = LATEST_ZOT_VERSION,
# Optional, for oci_tarball rule
load("@rules_pkg//:deps.bzl", "rules_pkg_dependencies")
What's Changed
- docs(oci_pull): Add note about syntax sugar by @alexeagle in #142
- fix: DOCKER_CONFIG is a dir not file by @thesayyn in #147
- fix: replace crane fallback with curl by @thesayyn in #143
- fix: print an actionable warning when INVALID_MANIFEST encountered by @LavaToaster in #144
- fix: prevent spamming on missing config file by @thesayyn in #145
- fix: auth_config_locator incorrectly reports presence by @thesayyn in #150
- feat: support credStore by @thesayyn in #131
- feat: allow stamping labels/annotations by @alexeagle in #155
- refactor: rename structure_test#config -> configs by @alexeagle in #157
- docs: add placeholders for more languages by @alexeagle in #158
- support pulling from ghcr.io by @LavaToaster in #153
- Update README.md by @alexeagle in #159
- fix: transition a test to explicit arch by @alexeagle in #161
- refactor: oci_pull's in separate macro by @alexeagle in #162
- fix: remove unused toolchain_name attribute by @thesayyn in #164
- syntax sugar for oci_pull by @alexeagle in #163
- fix: fallback to curl on manifest fetch error by @thesayyn in #166
- test(oci_pull): add unit tests for parsing image string by @alexeagle in #167
- fix: remove genrule fetching base image by @thesayyn in #165
- refactor: merge repository into repotags by @thesayyn in #169
- ci: retry auth tests by @thesayyn in #175
New Contributors
- @LavaToaster made their first contribution in #144
Full Changelog: v0.3.9...v0.4.0