The simplest way to disable the Windows keys!
You're playing your favorite game, but suddenly you're back in the Windows desktop because you accidentally pressed the Windows keys? ðŸ˜
It happened to me all the time when playing Overcooked! 2; that's why I created this app. It's very simple and works with any game (Fortnite, Overwatch, WoW, Dota 2, CSGO, etc.).
There are other ways to disable the Windows keys on your keyboard:
- Edit the scancode map on the registry
- Change the Group Policy
- Remap keys with SharpKeys
- Write a script for AutoHotKey
- Download a shady utility from an untrusted source
This app offers a straightforward and reliable alternative to disable Windows keys.
It could not be easier:
- Open the app to disable the Windows keys.
- Close the app to re-enable them.
It's so simple my mom could use it! 👵
- Dead simple
- Doesn't try to be smart
- No fancy or useless feature
- Tiny footprint
- Works on Windows 7, 8, and 10
- Self-contained, nothing else to download
- Perfect for games
- Translated in several languages
- Signed binary files for more security
- Source code available
You can get this app for free by compiling it from the source code.
Alternatively, you can purchase the binary version for just 1€.
The executable is signed with my personal certificate, so you know it hasn't been tampered.