Open Source Digital Asset Management Systems This is a prototype system which will allow a user to create a digital database repository of assets, keeping track of such assets and knowing how those assets are used in production documents, websites, revisionary systems such as vpn and git, and torrent system. This way assets can be tracked, and when revisions are made, those assets can be updated accordingly using a process tree. This way assets can be created, stored, updated, and revised.
Types of files to be indexed
- Images to include: jpg, png, gif, bmp, tiff, and others to add at a later time.
- Videos to include: ogg, gif, mpg, mp4, and others to add at a later time.
- Vector files to include: SVG, and others to add at a later time.
- Document Files to include: PDF, Microsoft Word formats, Open Office Formats, and others to be added at a later time.
File duplication search This will help you to find files that are similar in size, type, and save date and allow you to compare side by side, allowing the file to be stored in a single location.
System index fields When images are similar a parent child relationship can be created to allow pointing to the original source and finding derived files from the original (size change, watermark, alterations, etc.)
Personal Indexing fields This functionaility will allow user to add tags, catigories, project ID# to the file associating them to work processes such as projects, documents, etc. Owner and User functionaility - This will determine who the owner is for attribution.
Additional ideas for this project: Embedded attributions using a blockchain, so each document has an associated blockchain to represent the creation of the file. Database connection functionailty for larger DB solutions Image sharing site interface functionality allowing easy integration for social image sharing platforms Social media sharing - allowing assets to be shared on social media, and allowing for information such as likes, shares, and re-use Torrent - Allow for easy tracking of torrents where assets are being shared. Allow for data on torrents to be captured such as users and number of seeds, source of torrents, keep alive, etc.