Overview This repository houses code for test exercises for a SRE role in PaloAlto Networks.
The main directory is ./src.palo.alto
File structure,
./src.palo.alto/logFile holds the content of server access logs
./src.palo.alto/util file holds the helper methods related to server log parsing
./src.palo.alto/main file is the main executable file
Refer requirements.txt for Python3 packages used in the repo.
To execute the script, run python main.py -h
Sample help,
(studies) bdharmaraja-a01:paloAlto bdharmarajan$ python main.py -h
usage: python main.py --get10MaxRequestedPage --getPercentageOfSuccessRequest --getPercentageOfNotSuccessRequest --getTop10SuccessPageRequest --getTop10UnSuccessPageRequest --get10TopHosts
Analyzing server logs placed under paloAlto/logFile
optional arguments: -h, --help show this help message and exit --get10MaxRequestedPage [GET10MAXREQUESTEDPAGE] Get top 10 requested URI
--getPercentageOfSuccessRequest [GETPERCENTAGEOFSUCCESSREQUEST] Percentage of successful requests (anything in the 200s and 300s range)
--getPercentageOfNotSuccessRequest [GETPERCENTAGEOFNOTSUCCESSREQUEST] Percentage of unsuccessful requests (anything that is not in the 200s or 300s range)
--getTop10SuccessPageRequest [GETTOP10SUCCESSPAGEREQUEST] Percentage of successful requests (anything that is not in the 200s or 300s range)
--getTop10UnSuccessPageRequest [GETTOP10UNSUCCESSPAGEREQUEST] Percentage of unsuccessful requests (anything that is not in the 200s or 300s range)
--get10TopHosts [GET10TOPHOSTS] The top 10 hosts making the most requests, displaying the IP address and number of requests made.
Sample request and response,
(studies) bdharmaraja-a01:paloAlto bdharmarajan$ python main.py --getPercentageOfSuccessRequest --getPercentageOfNotSuccessRequest --get10TopHosts --getTop10SuccessPageRequest --getTop10UnSuccessPageRequest --get10TopHosts
INFO:root:Executing the query,
INFO:root:Percentage of successful requests (anything in the 200s and 300s range), 92.35602094240838
INFO:root:Percentage of unsuccessful requests (anything not in the 200s and 300s range), 4.7643979057591626
INFO:root:Top 10 successful requests(anything in the 200s and 300s range - ['/index.php?option=com_phocagallery&view=category&id=1:almhuette-raith&Itemid=53', '/apache-log/access.log', '/robots.txt', '/index.php?option=com_phocagallery&view=category&id=2%3Awinterfotos&Itemid=53', '/administrator/index.php', '/', '/modules/mod_bowslideshow/tmpl/css/bowslideshow.css', '/templates/jp_hotel/css/template.css', '/templates/jp_hotel/css/layout.css', '/templates/jp_hotel/css/menu.css']
INFO:root:Top 10 unsuccessful requests(anything not in the 200s and 300s range - ['/favicon.ico', '/administrator/%22', '/templates/_system/css/general.css', '/index.php?option=com_easyblog&view=dashboard&layout=write', '/libraries/joomla/template/mark.php', '/wp-login.php', '/87/5.php', '/icons/blank.gif', '/icons/back.gif', '/icons/text.gif']
INFO:root:Top 10 hosts making requests - [('', 110), ('', 108), ('', 104), ('', 102), ('', 100), ('', 96), ('', 90), ('', 88), ('', 84), ('', 82)]