- This exam has 4 questions in total. A random question is picked from each level below.
- If you fail the exam, when you retake the exam next time, you will restart at Level 1 again with a different set of questions.
- first_word
- fizzbuzz
- ft_strcpy
- ft_strlen
- ft_swap
- putstr
- repeat_alpha
- rev_print
- rot_13
- rotone
- search_and_replace
- ulstr
- alpha_mirror
- camel_to_snake
- do_op
- ft_atoi
- ft_strcmp
- ft_strcspn
- ft_strdup
- ft_strpbrk
- ft_strrev
- ft_strspn
- inter
- is_power_of_2
- last_word
- max
- print_bits
- reverse_bits
- snake_to_camel
- swap_bits
- union
- wdmatch
- add_prime_sum
- epur_str
- expand_str
- ft_atoi_base
- ft_list_size
- ft_range
- ft_rrange
- hidenp
- lcm
- paramsum
- pgcd
- print_hex
- rstr_capitalizer
- str_capitalizer
- tab_mult
- flood_fill
- fprime
- ft_itoa
- ft_list_foreach
- ft_list_remove_if
- ft_split
- rev_wstr
- rostring
- sort_int_tab
- sort_list