TWC is a wordpress theme that takes a [gallery] shortcode inserted into a wordpress blog post and turns it into a responsive, jquery-based photo album similar to what you might see in a flickr slideshow. But I think mine is cooler. The jquery heavy lifting is done by the Supersized.js plugin, but all that wordpress templating is all mine, baby. And it is available under an ISC license, so have at it.
Did you seriously name this after Time Warner Cable?
Honestly it's a coincidence, I needed a folder name and bashed on the keyboard and got 'twc'.
More importantly, how do I use this?
Make sure you have the Wordpress Twenty Eleven theme installed first, as twc uses it for bootstrapping. Then, install this theme into your themes directory, and select it. For a new gallery, make a new blog post containing a description blurb, followed by the WP more tag, and then the gallery shortcode. Of course, you'll have to add media to the post so the gallery shortcode does something, but you should already know that.