Elixir Phoenix Project Template With ArangoDB support
String metrics and phonetic algorithms for Elixir (e.g. Dice/Sorensen, Hamming, Jaccard, Jaro, Jaro-Winkler, Levenshtein, Metaphone, N-Gram, NYSIIS, Overlap, Ratcliff/Obershelp, Refined NYSIIS, Ref…
🥑 ArangoDB is a native multi-model database with flexible data models for documents, graphs, and key-values. Build high performance applications using a convenient SQL-like query language or JavaSc…
beno / jQuery-TokenInput-Bootstrap-CSS-Theme
Forked from fw-coder/jQuery-TokenInput-Bootstrap-CSS-ThemeBootstrap CSS Theme for jQuery TokenInput
Bootstrap CSS Theme for jQuery TokenInput
beno / nested_form
Forked from ryanb/nested_formRails plugin to conveniently handle multiple models in a single form.
beno / no_fuzz
Forked from wuffo/no_fuzzFuzzy-search for ActiveRecord, Rails 3 compatible
beno / paperclip
Forked from thoughtbot/paperclipEasy file attachment management for ActiveRecord
Rails plugin to conveniently handle multiple models in a single form.
wuffo / no_fuzz
Forked from bmaland/no_fuzzSimple Rails-plugin that provides offline fuzzy-search for ActiveRecord
wxWidgets/Ruby/Webkit framework for Bowline apps
Easy file attachment management for ActiveRecord