stack build managemytime
to run the server, just invoke the executable (it's inside .stack-work) or
stack exec managemytime-exe
it ships with a builtin self-signed certificate for localhost to run the integration tests, you'll want unencrypted http, which you can select with the "test" argument
stack exec managemytime-exe test
stack test managemytime:functional-tests
Don't store any important data in the sqlite.db created by default in the project directory since it will be erased by the testrunner
To create a "production" build (with a proper tls certificate, encrypted inside tls.yml
ansible-playbook --ask-vault-pass build.yml
Install the flow type checker:
opam install flowtype
Install bower and jstransform:
npm install -g bower jstransform
Typecheck javascript:
flow check frontend/src/
Parse js and strip signatures:
jstransform --strip-types --es6module --watch frontend/src frontend/scripts
Install the frontend dependencies (you'll have to symlink them manually):
bower install