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Molang (Geckolib4)
Molang is a power expression-based language that can be used to make complex and impressive animations. It does require surpassing a small learning curve to initially pick up, but once learned it becomes intuitive and a very useful tool.
Molang allows you to type directly write mathematical expressions into your animation keyframe, allowing you to dynamic animations with minimal effort.
For example, instead of typing 20
into your keyframe animation value, you could type 5 * 4
, which would automatically evaluate to 20.
That doesn't seem very useful at face value, but when you add in the ability to use mathematical functions and queries, it becomes much more powerful.
For example, you could use the math.cos
function to automatically calculate the cosine of a value: math.cos(5)
Or you can use queries, which are a way to retrieve in-game values as doubles for direct magic use in your expressions.
For example, you could use the query.anim_time
query to based your animation off the time in seconds the animation has been running: math.cos(query.anim_time)
would cause your animation to automatically move back and forth smoothly, without any further effort
You can start to see from here where this is going. When you allow for both queries and functions, and full mathematical expression, it becomes obvious how powerful this can be, especially when you start to consider more complex expressions, E.G.
((-0.2 + 1.5 * (math.abs(math.mod(query.ground_speed, 13) - 6.5) - 3.25) / 3.25) * query.ground_speed) * 57.3
You can read more information on Molang here. Note that GeckoLib's implementation of molang is slightly different to Microsoft's, in that some queries or functions may take slightly different arguments, or some may be added or missing.
GeckoLib supports most basic logical and mathematical operators, as well as most standard queries and functions, which can be combined in any sensible way. See below for supported feature components in GeckoLib
Operators are expression symbols that represent an action to take in the expression
Operator | Function | Description |
+ |
Addition | Adds two values together |
- |
Subtraction | Subtracts one value from another |
* |
Multiplication | Multiplies one value by another |
/ |
Division | Divides one value by another |
% |
Modulus | Returns the modulo (remainder) when dividing one number by another |
^ |
Exponent | Raise one value to the power of another |
&& |
Logical AND | Returns 1 if both conditions return a non-zero value, otherwise 0 |
|| |
Logical OR | Returns 1 if either condition returns a non-zero value, otherwise 0 |
! |
Logical NOT | Returns 1 if the following value returns 0, otherwise 1 |
< |
Less Than | Returns 1 if the left value is smaller than the right value, otherwise 0 |
<= |
Less Than or Equal | Returns 1 if the left value is smaller than or equal to the right value, otherwise 0 |
> |
Greater Than | Returns 1 if the left value is larger than the right value, otherwise 0 |
>= |
Greater Than or Equal | Returns 1 if the left value is larger than or equal to the right value, otherwise 0 |
== |
Equal | Returns 1 if the left value is equal to the right value, otherwise 0 |
!= |
Not Equal | Returns 1 if the left value is not equal to the right value, otherwise 0 |
= |
Variable Assignment | Sets a user-determined variable to the given value, for arbitrary use elsewhere |
? : |
Ternary | Evaluates the left expression. If a non-zero value given, return the middle expression, otherwise return the right expression |
() |
Brackets | Evaluates the expression inside the brackets before exposing it to outside expression conditions |
; |
Compound Expression Separator | Delimiter to split your expression into multiple expressions that run in order before returning the final expression's value. Typically used for variable assignments |
Functions are expression components that allow provision of one or more numerical parameters, to generate a resultant value
Name | Function | Description | Parameters |
math.abs |
Absolute | Returns the absolute (non-negative) equivalent of the input value | input |
math.acos |
Arc-cosine | Returns the arc-cosine of the input value angle, with the input angle converted to radians |
input (degrees) |
math.asin |
Arc-sine | Returns the arc-sine of the input value angle, with the input angle converted to radians |
input (degrees) |
math.atan |
Arc-tangent | Returns the arc-tangent of the input value angle, with the input angle converted to radians |
input (degrees) |
math.atan2 |
Arc-tangent (theta) | Returns the arc-tangent theta of the input rectangular coordinate values (y,x), with the output converted to degrees |
y , x
math.ceil |
Ceiling | Returns the smallest value that is greater than or equal to the input value and is equal to an integer | input |
math.clamp |
Clamp | Returns the first input value if is larger than the second input value and less than the third input value; or else returns the nearest of the second two input values |
value , min , max
math.cos |
Cosine | Returns the cosine of the input value angle, with the input angle converted to radians |
input (degrees) |
math.die_roll |
Dice Roll | Returns a random value determined by the sum of n random values generated within in a given range, optionally seeded |
rolls , minroll , maxroll , seed (Optional) |
math.die_roll_integer |
Dice Roll (Integer) | Returns a random value determined by the sum of n random values generated within in a given range, optionally seeded, with the resultant value being an integer |
rolls , minroll , maxroll , seed (Optional) |
math.exp |
Euler's Exponent | Returns euler's number raised to the power of the input value | input |
math.floor |
Floor | Returns the largest value that is less than or equal to the input value and is equal to an integer | input |
math.hermite_blend |
Hermite Interpolation | Returns the Hermite Polynomial (basis 3t^2 - 2t^3 ) curve interpolation value based on the input value |
input |
math.lerp |
Linear-Interpolate | Returns the first value plus the difference between the first and second input values multiplied by the third input value |
min , max , delta
math.lerprotate |
Rotational Linear-Interpolation | Returns the first value plus the difference between the first and second input values multiplied by the third input value, wrapping the end result as a degrees value |
min , max , delta
math.ln |
Euler-Logarithmic | Returns the log value (euler base) of the input value | input |
math.max |
Max | Returns the greater of the two input values |
inputA , inputB
math.min |
Min | Returns the lesser of the two input values |
inputA , inputB
math.mod |
Modulus | Returns the remainder value of the input value when modulo'd by the modulus value |
input , modulus
math.pi |
PI | Returns PI (π) | None |
math.pow |
Exponent | Returns the input value raised to the power of the second input value |
input , exponent
math.random |
Random | Returns a random value between 0 and inputA , or betweeen inputA and inputB , optionally seeded |
inputA , inputB (Optional), seed (Optional) |
math.random_integer |
Random Integer | Returns a random value between 0 and inputA , or betweeen inputA and inputB , optionally seeded, with the resultant value being an integer |
inputA , inputB (Optional), seed (Optional) |
math.round |
Round | Returns the closest integer value to the input value | input |
math.sin |
Sine | Returns the sine of the input value angle, with the input angle converted to radians |
input (degrees) |
math.sqrt |
Square-root | Returns the square root of the input value | input |
math.to_deg |
Radians-to-Degrees | Converts the input radians value to degrees |
input (radians) |
math.to_rad |
Degrees-to-Radians | Converts the input degrees value to radians |
input (degrees) |
math.trunc |
Truncate | Returns the closest value that is equal to the input value or closer to zero, and is equal to an integer | input |
GeckoLib supports users adding their own functions for use in Molang expressions. This is done via MathParser#registerFunction
Custom functions must be registered in your mod constructor
Queries are expression components that allow for in-code values to be provided to animations dynamically at runtime, allowing for expressions to take advantage of live data Note that some queries only apply to certain animatable types, and attempting to use them on an incompatible animatable will return 0 and error in the log.
All expressions below have their values automatically provided by GeckoLib
Name | Query | Description | Applies To |
query.actor_count |
Actor Count | Number of rendered entities in the last render pass | Global |
query.anim_time |
Animation Time | Time (in seconds) that the current animation has been running for | Any animatable |
query.blocking |
Blocking | Returns 1 if the entity is blocking, otherwise 0 | LivingEntity |
query.block_state |
Blockstate Index | The index of the current blockstate variant | BlockEntity |
query.body_x_rotation |
X Body Rotation | The pitch rotation of the entity | Entity |
query.body_y_rotation |
Y Body Rotation | The yaw rotation of the entity | Entity |
query.can_climb |
Can Climb | Returns 1 if the entity doesn't have its AI disabled and uses WallClimberNavigation, otherwise 0 | Mob |
query.can_fly |
Can Fly | Returns 1 if the entity doesn't have its AI disabled and uses FlyingPathNavigation, otherwise 0 | Mob |
query.can_swim |
Can Swim | Returns 1 if the entity doesn't have its AI disabled and uses WaterBoundPathNavigation or AmphibiousPathNavigation, otherwise 0 | Mob |
query.can_walk |
Can Walk | Returns 1 if the entity doesn't have its AI disabled and uses GroundPathNavigation or AmphibiousPathNavigation, otherwise 0 | Mob |
query.cardinal_facing |
Entity Facing Direction | The direction the entity is facing, as an ordinal (0=Down, 1=Up, 2=North, 3=South, 4=West, 5=East) | Entity |
query.cardinal_facing_2d |
Entity Lateral Facing Direction | The direction the entity is facing, as an ordinal, ignoring vertical directions (2=North, 3=South, 4=West, 5=East, 6=Down, 6=Up) | Entity |
query.cardinal_player_facing |
Player Facing Direction | The direction the client player is facing, as an ordinal (0=Down, 1=Up, 2=North, 3=South, 4=West, 5=East) | Global |
query.day |
Day Number | The current day of the world, as a non-integer | Global |
query.death_ticks |
Death Time | Amount of time (in ticks) that the entity has been dead | LivingEntity |
query.distance_from_camera |
Distance From Camera | The distance in blocks the center of the entity is from the camera | Entity |
query.equipment_count |
Equipment Count | Number of worn items (not including items in mainhand or offhand) | LivingEntity |
query.frame_alpha |
Partial Tick | Returns the fraction of a tick that has passed since the last tick (partialtick) | Any animatable |
query.get_actor_info_id |
Entity ID | The numerical ID of the entity | Entity |
query.ground_speed |
Lateral Speed | The current lateral velocity of the entity in blocks/tick | LivingEntity |
query.has_cape |
Player Has Cape | Returns 1 if the client player has a cape, otherwise 0 | Global |
query.has_collision |
Has Collision | Returns 1 if the entity has noclip enabled (no collisions), otherwise 0 | Entity |
query.has_gravity |
Has Gravity | Returns 1 if the entity has gravity enabled, otherwise 0 | Entity |
query.has_head_gear |
Has Headgear | Returns 1 if the entity is currently wearing something on its head, otherwise 0 | LivingEntity |
query.has_owner |
Has Owner | Returns 1 if the entity is an OwnableEntity and has an owner, otherwise 0 | Entity |
query.has_player_rider |
Has Player Passenger | Returns 1 if the entity has a passenger riding it that is a player, otherwise 0 | Entity |
query.has_rider |
Has Passenger | Returns 1 if the entity has a passenger riding it, otherwise 0 | Entity |
query.head_x_rotation |
X Head Rotation | The lerped pitch of the entity's head | LivingEntity |
query.head_y_rotation |
Y Head Rotation | The lerped yaw of the entity's head | LivingEntity |
query.health |
Health | The current health of the entity | LivingEntity |
query.hurt_time |
Hurt Time | Amount of time (in ticks) the entity has remaining on its hurt overlay | LivingEntity |
query.invulnerable_ticks |
Invulnerable Time | Amount of time (in ticks) the entity has remaining of invulnerability after taking damage | LivingEntity |
query.is_alive |
Is Alive | Returns 1 if the entity is alive, otherwise 0 | Entity |
query.is_angry |
Is Angry | Returns 1 if the entity is a NeutralMob and is angry, otherwise 0 | Entity |
query.is_baby |
Is Baby | Returns 1 if the entity is a baby, otherwise 0 | LivingEntity |
query.is_breathing |
Is Breathing | Returns 1 if the entity has full air, otherwise 0 | Entity |
query.is_enchanted |
Is Enchanted | Returns 1 if the itemstack has any enchantments, otherwise 0 | Item |
query.is_fire_immune |
Is Fire Immune | Returns 1 if the entity's type is immune to fire, otherwise 0 | Entity |
query.is_first_person |
Is in First Person | Returns 1 if the client player is in first person perspective, otherwise 0 | Global |
query.is_invisible |
Is Invisible | Returns 1 if the entity is invisible, otherwise 0 | Entity |
query.is_in_contact_with_water |
Is Contact With Water | Returns 1 if the entity is in water, rain, or a bubble column, otherwise 0 | Entity |
query.is_in_lava |
In Lava | Returns 1 if the entity is in lava, otherwise 0 | Entity |
query.is_in_water |
In Water | Returns 1 if the entity is in water, otherwise 0 | Entity |
query.is_in_water_or_rain |
In Water Or Rain | Returns 1 if the entity is in water or rain, otherwise 0 | Entity |
query.is_leashed |
Is Leashed | Returns 1 if the entity is Leashable and currently has a leash, otherwise 0 | Entity |
query.is_moving |
Is Moving | Returns 1 if the entity is currently moving, otherwise 0 | Entity |
query.is_on_fire |
Is On Fire | Returns 1 if the entity is on fire, otherwise 0 | Entity |
query.is_on_ground |
Is On Ground | Returns 1 if the entity is on the ground, otherwise 0 | Entity |
query.is_powered |
Is Powered | Returns 1 if the entity is a PowerableMob and is powered, otherwise 0 | Entity |
query.is_riding |
Is Riding | Returns 1 if the entity is currently a passenger, otherwise 0 | Entity |
query.is_saddled |
Is Saddled | Returns 1 if the entity is Saddleable and is saddled, otherwise 0 | Entity |
query.is_silent |
Is Silent | Returns 1 if the entity is marked as silent, otherwise 0 | Entity |
query.is_sleeping |
Is Sleeping | Returns 1 if the entity is sleeping, otherwise 0 | LivingEntity |
query.is_sneaking |
Is Sneaking | Returns 1 if the entity is crouching, otherwise 0 | Entity |
query.is_sprinting |
Is Sprinting | Returns 1 if the entity is sprinting, otherwise 0 | Entity |
query.is_stackable |
Is Stackable | Returns 1 if the itemstack is stackable, otherwise 0 | Item |
query.is_swimming |
Is Swimming | Returns 1 if the entity is swimming, otherwise 0 | Entity |
query.is_using_item |
Is Using Item | Returns 1 if the entity is current using an item, otherwise 0 | LivingEntity |
query.is_wall_climbing |
Is Wall Climbing | Returns 1 if the entity is currently on a climbable block, otherwise 0 | LivingEntity |
query.item_max_use_duration |
Max Use Duration | The number of ticks the item can be used for at a maximum | Item |
query.life_time |
Rendering Time | The amount of time (in seconds) that the entity has been rendering for since the game started | Any animatable |
query.main_hand_item_max_duration |
Mainhand Item Max Duration | The number of ticks the entity's mainhand item can be used for at a maximum, or 0 if not holding an item | LivingEntity |
query.main_hand_item_use_duration |
Mainhand Item Use Duration | The number of ticks the entity's mainhand item has been in use, or 0 if not using an item | LivingEntity |
query.max_durability |
Max Durability | Returns the maximum durability of the itemstack | Item |
query.max_health |
Max Health | The max health of the entity | LivingEntity |
query.moon_brightness |
Moon Brightness | The brightness value of the moon's current phase, in 0.25 increments, with full moon as 1 | Global |
query.moon_phase |
Moon Phase | The ordinal value of the moon's current phase (0->7 inclusive) | Global |
query.movement_direction |
Direction Moving | The direction ordinal closest to the entity's velocity (0=Down, 1=Up, 2=North, 3=South, 4=West, 5=East) | Entity |
query.player_level |
XP Level | The client player's current XP level | Global |
query.remaining_durability |
Remaining Durability | Returns the amount of durability remaining before breaking, or 1 if the item isn't breakable | Item |
query.rider_body_x_rotation |
Passenger X Body Rotation | The pitch of the entity's rider if it is a non-living entity, otherwise 0 | Entity |
query.rider_body_y_rotation |
Passenger Y Body Rotation | The yaw of the entity's rider, otherwise 0 | Entity |
query.rider_head_x_rotation |
Passenger X Head Rotation | The head pitch of the entity's rider if it is a LivingEntity, otherwise 0 | Entity |
query.rider_head_y_rotation |
Passenger Y Head Rotation | The head yaw of the entity's rider if it is a LivingEntity otherwise 0 | Entity |
query.scale |
Scale | The scale attribute value of the entity | LivingEntity |
query.sleep_rotation |
Sleep Rotation | The current Y rotation of the entity based on the bed it is sleeping in, or 0 if not sleeping | LivingEntity |
query.time_of_day |
Time of Day | The fraction of the day that the client player's level is currently in (0->1 inclusive) | Global |
query.time_stamp |
Game Time | The total tick count of the client player's world | Global |
query.vertical_speed |
Vertical Velocity | The entity's current vertical velocity | Entity |
query.yaw_speed |
Yaw Rotation Speed | The entity's current yaw rotation delta | Entity |
GeckoLib supports users adding their own queries for use in Molang expressions.
Default GeckoLib variables are typically named query.variable_name
When registering your own variable however, it's recommended that you name your variable to include your modid or something similar, to prevent clashes with other mods also registering variables
E.G. query.mymod_variable_name
Registering your custom variable only requires a single line of code, put in your mod's constructor, or client entrypoint.
To do this, we use the MolangQueries#setActorVariable
This takes a generic (which should be your animatable's base type), the query name, and a function that returns the variables value.
MolangQueries.<MyAnimatable>setActorVariable("query.mymod_entity_bouncing", actor -> actor.animatable.getBouncing());
This registers a variable called "query.mymod_entity_bouncing" for an animatable of type MyAnimatable
, using the MyAnimatable#getBouncing
method to determine its value
If your variable is used across multiple types of animatables, and they can't share a parent class that provides the value, then you will need to register a generic variable instead.
This is done via MathParser#registerVariable, using a default value of 0.
E.G. MathParser.registerVariable(new Variable("query.mymod_entity_bouncing", 0))
Custom queries must be registered in your mod constructor, and you do not need to keep the Variable
instance you create here if you don't want to, since it'll be automatically retrieved later when setting the value.
Once you have registered your query, you must provide its value during runtime, via overriding GeoModel#applyMolangQueries in the relevant model, and setting the value via MathParser#setVariable
takes the same query name as your registered variable, and a supplier of the value the query should be, E.G.
MathParser.setVariable("query.mymod_entity_bouncing", () -> myEntity.getBouncing())
Compound expressions are a Molang feature that allows you to evaluate multiple expressions in a single animation keyframe. This is mostly useful for setting and getting variable whilst still returning an animation value.
To perform compound expressions, split your expressions with the ;
delimiter. Each split will be evaluated as its own expression in order, with the last expression returning the value for the animation.
v.is_animating_walk = 1;math.sin(query.anim_time)
This will result in a 2-part compound expression with the first part setting a local variable is_animating_walk
to 1, and then returning math.sin(query.anim_time)
from the expression
Variables are an expression component that allow you to store arbitrary data from within an expression, to retrieve it in a further animation or keyframe. This is useful in compound expressions, where you may need to evaluate some data in sequence before utilising it, or for otherwise temporarily storing data.
Note that variables are global in GeckoLib, so any variable you store will be shared with all other animatables using the same variable. Keep this in mind when designing your variable usage, either using unique names, or by only using the variables within the same animation frame pass.
Geckolib 3
Geckolib 4
- Installation
- Getting Started
- Upgrading from GeckoLib 3.1.x to 4.0
- Updating to GeckoLib 4.5
- Basic
- Advanced
- Miscellaneous
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