Here are the steps about how to install bestchains BaaS platform which include ways to install:
- a kind cluster
which provides identity and access managementbaas-component
which provides blockchain management inCloudNative
browser for querying on-chain data- more addons
- Install Docker
- Install kubectl
- Install Helm
- Install kind
- Get source code
$ git clone;
Create a k8s cluster via kind and deploy the cluster component, u4a component and baas component.
# if you don't have a k8s cluster, it will create a k8s cluster by kind
make kind
# it will install cluster components, u4a-components and baas components
# By default, the postgresql service is deployed under u4a-system
make e2e
For the 1st step, we'll install u4a-component and it'll provide the account, authentication, authorization and audit funcationality built on Kubernetes. And it has the capability to add more features following the guide later.
And then we'll deploy BaaS on top of it, and use OIDC token for SSO between u4a and baas component.
Enter into u4a-component folder and following the step below:
Note This step will install a ingress nginx controller with ingressclass named 'portal-ingress' and cert-manager for certificate management.
This step will install the following services:
- cert-manager
- ingress-nginx
- Capsule for tenant management
- kube-oidc-proxy for K8S OIDC enablement
- oidc-server for OIDC and iam service
- resource-view-controller for resource aggregation view from multiple clusters
Create namespace
kubectl create ns u4a-system
Edit values.yaml to replace the placeholder below:
, replace it with the IP address of the ingress nginx node that deployed in the previous step, this placeholder will have multiple ones -
, replace it with the node name where kube-oidc-proxy will be installed -
, replace it with the IP address of node where kube-oidc-proxy will be installed, this placeholder will have multiple ones -
you should also update the image address if you're using a private registry
to replace<replaced-ingress-node-name>
with the K8S node name that will install the ingress controller, so update the value of deployedHost, and remember the IP address of this host, will use it at the next step.ingress-nginx: # MUST update this value deployedHost: &deployedHost k8s-ingress-nginx-node-name
Install u4a component using helm
# run helm install $ helm install --wait u4a-component -n u4a-system . # wait for all pods to be ready $ kubectl get pod -n u4a-system NAME READY STATUS RESTARTS AGE bff-server-6c9b4b97f5-gqrx6 1/1 Running 0 45m capsule-controller-manager-6cf656b98c-sjm5n 1/1 Running 0 66m cert-manager-756fd78bff-wb2vh 1/1 Running 0 76m cert-manager-cainjector-64685f8d48-qg69v 1/1 Running 0 76m cert-manager-webhook-5c46d68c6b-f4dkh 1/1 Running 0 76m cluster-component-ingress-nginx-controller-5bd67897dd-5m9n7 1/1 Running 0 76m kube-oidc-proxy-5f4598c77c-fzl5q 1/1 Running 0 65m oidc-server-85db495594-k6pkt 2/2 Running 0 65m resource-view-controller-76d8c79cf-smkj5 1/1 Running 0 66m
At the end of the helm install, it'll prompt you with some notes like below:
NOTES: 1. Get the ServiceAccount token by running these commands: export TOKENNAME=$(kubectl get serviceaccount/host-cluster-reader -n u4a-system -o jsonpath='{.secrets[0].name}') kubectl get secret $TOKENNAME -n u4a-system -o jsonpath='{.data.token}' | base64 -d
Save the token and will use it to add the cluster later.
Open the host configured using ingress below:
If your host isn't able to access, you should add the ip<->host mapping to your hosts file. Login with user admin/baas-admin (default one).
Prepare the environment
6.1 Create a namespace for cluster management, it should be 'cluster-system'.
kubectl create ns cluster-system
6.2 Click 'Management Console' and navigate to 'Cluster Management' and 'Add Cluster'.
- for API Host, use the one from
- for API Token, use the one you saved from step 4.
- for API Host, use the one from
Now, you should have a cluster and a 'system-tenant' and tenant management.
Create namespace
If you want to install operator under the namespace
, and this namespace does not exist, you need to create this namespace.kubectl create ns baas-system
Install Fabric-Operator And bc-apis
Before installation, the content to be replaced needs to be updated.
- <replaced-ingress-nginx-ip>
- <replaced-iam-server>
- <replace-with-k8s-oidc-proxy-url>
- <replace-with-oidc-server-url>
- <replace-with-oidc-client-id>
- <replace-with-oidc-client-secret>
$ cd installer; $ helm -nbaas-system install fabric fabric-operator;
For more configuration parameters, please refer to the following document: install-fabric-operator
Verify pods are running properly.
$ kubectl get po -nbaas-system NAME READY STATUS RESTARTS AGE bff-apis-5b857f6577-c6pjz 1/1 Running 0 55s controller-manager-5d6449b864-ckf25 1/1 Running 0 55s
Clean up the deployment environment
helm -nbaas-system uninstall fabric; kubectl delete ns baas-system;
You can install postgresql by the command:
helm --wait --timeout=300 -n baas-system install postgresql explorer/charts/postgresql
It will add new user bestchains
with password Passw0rd!
, Also create database bestchains
If postgresql is already installed, edit explorer/values.yaml
, and set the helm installation parameter --set postgresql.enabled=false
# explorer/values.yaml
pdAddr: "your-pg-address"
Install bc-explorer
by the command:
helm --wait --timeout=300 -nbaas-system install bc-explorer explorer
# if postgresql is already installed
helm --wait --timeout=300 -nbaas-system --set postgresql.enabled=false install bc-explorer explorer
Get secret Copy the sercret oidc-server-root-secret under the u4a-system namespace to the namespace to be deployed, in case the secret does not exist.
make e2e --saas
Install kube-dashboard following this doc to integrate with u4a.
Refer to kubernetes dashboard for details.
Install kubelogin following this doc to integrate with u4a
Refer to kubelogin for details.