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This is a project to bring the code from the book "Sargon a computer chess program" back to life in the modern era

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What is this?

The book "Sargon, a computer chess program", by Dan and Kathe Spracklen published by Hayden in 1978 presents the source code to the classic early chess program Sargon in Z80 assembly language. This is a project to bring the code presented in the book back to life in the modern era.

Why would you do that?

Why not? It was a fun challenge for a start. I love chess, I love chess software in general and retro chess software in particular. Not many people these days have familiarity and facility with Z80 assembly language, and it's nice to practise those skills and remember the good old days. The final result is fun to play with, it celebrates the pioneers and adds some twists and interest I didn't expect when I started (more on that later). Plus it's a pleasure to work on some software from a time when software could be important and significant without sprawling and metastasizing beyond the means of a single person to understand it in depth in a reasonable amount of time.

Has it been done before?

Yes. For example here is the same code as a Translation to LUA. See also this forum post. Andre Adrian has previously got the same Sargon source code running in the context of an emulated Z80 here for example.

However this Sargon project does add some things that haven't been attempted before;

  • Converting the classic Z80 code to X86 with no emulation or simulation to allows us to really how quickly it can run on modern machines.
  • A full featured engine interface, with arbitrary position setup, optional dynamic depth, time management and most importantly and a real bonus ....
  • A complete PV and a centipawn evaluation! The original code makes no attempt to collect this information and provide it to the user in any way.
  • A window into the minimax and alpha-beta algorithms, here demonstrating how they work with runtime ascii art "animation" (sort of).
  • A faithful conversion of the original Z80 code to genuine Z80 mnemonics as a side effect here. Retro hackers should prefer using this version to the extant Sargon code which uses odd non-standard third party mnemonics.

Importantly all of these extra things are bonuses that do not require any changes to the core Sargon 1978 chess code.

How can I try it out?

It's easy on Windows, even if you're not a developer. First download Sargon as a Windows executable then run it under your favourite Chess GUI. If you don't have a chess GUI (or know what one is), I will respectfully recommend my own Tarrasch Chess GUI. Once you've installed Tarrasch, use the Options > Engine menu to point Tarrasch at the Sargon engine executable and you're off to the races.

On Linux or Mac it's probably possible to get the code running, but you're going to need some developer skills. One difficulty is that the project works by transforming the Z80 original assembly language to Intel x86 32 bit assembly language, and 32 bit (as opposed to 64 bit) is becoming problematic on Linux and Mac. Sorry. One day I might do a 64 bit version.

I estimate this very early version of Sargon to have chess strength of about 1200 Elo. Competitive players might enjoy beating up a computer engine, for fun and a dose of nostalgia (if you don't know much about chess - computers overtook humans in the 1990s and are now vastly stronger). If you're just starting out on your chess journey, Sargon will probably beat you but beating it is a realistic challenge. You'll probably have to put at least a little serious effort into improving your game though.

Version 1.01

(This section should probably be skipped on a first reading).

After releasing the original V1.00 version of this project, it turned out that Sargon 1978 UCI engine became unexpectedly popular as a training partner. There were some complaints though, in particular people didn't understand why Sargon would often simply repeat and concede a draw in overwhelming positions.

Version 1.01 was released to try and work around this problem, to some extent at least. The UCI wrapper now checks whether Sargon is repeating the position, and if so it asks Sargon to try again, with repeating moves eliminated from the candidate list. If Sargon can find a non-repeating move that still leaves it better (in its opinion) that move is played instead.

Sargon will not magically become an aggressive finisher, it will just resist making an immediate draw. If its position is not overwhelming this might mean it just dithers, failing to make progress. It might make for a worse user experience as this could be more frustrating to experience than an immediate draw.

There are some other tweaks to make Sargon V1.01 a little more efficient and effective as a chess engine. If you a fixed depth is specified, Sargon does no longer iterates to that depth (seemed a good idea at the time). Instead it goes directly to the depth, which is a significant speed up. Also if Sargon 1978 calculates a forced mate it will play down the forced mate PV if given the opportunity. This will solve a different problem (to the repetition problem) where Sargon 1978 sometimes dallies even when it has a forced mate.

Developers, Developers, Developers

The Zilog Z80 is a legendary microprocessor and there's a niche internet community that celebrates it. One of the nice things about this project is that a byproduct of my development pipeline is a version of the original assembly language transformed into standard Z80 mnemonics. The orginal Sargon Z80 code was somewhat tainted (I think) by a rather puzzling decision to use a kind of hybrid 8080 assembly language instead of real Z80 assembly language. (More about that later). It's not inconceivable that there might be someone out there that wants to hack on the Z80 code and run it on a Z80 or a Z80 emulator, and if that's the case sargon-z80.asm will be of interest to you.

It's slightly more likely that there might be someone who is interested in working on the new Intel x86 version of the Sargon code. The file sargon-x86.asm (and associated sargon-asm-interface.h) is for you. I have added a C language callable interface to Sargon. The interface includes a kind of API (for calling into Sargon), facilities for setting and inspecting registers and memory before and after Sargon runs, and a flexible mechanism for Sargon to callback into your code as it runs (again with full access to registers and memory). To check these things out, there's no other way other than digging in to the code. I think it's well commented and I hope you agree.

I've also implemented a kind of "window into Sargon" that animates (using the word loosely) Sargon's chess calculations. People who are interested in chess programming might be interested in watching Sargon execute the standard minimax and alpha-beta algorithms, in the context of a simple model that eliminates the usual problem of being being overwhelmed by the size and complexity of the tree of analysis. This is one of the unexpected twists and benefits I spoke of earlier. (The other one was unexpectedly finding that I could tease the PV [principle variation] out of Sargon - enabling it to present its analysis like a modern chess engine).

How Well does it Work?

Potential users/tinkerers should have realistic expectations, the program dates from an era when the humblest club player could beat chess programs running on consumer grade hardware. This was the very first version of Sargon, a project that went through many more versions, becoming much stronger during the product's lifecycle. Sargon was an important product in computer chess history, and I still think the surprising decision the Spracklen's made to make the source code of their nascent commercial product available is important and worth celebrating (by bringing that code back to life).

This version of Sargon used fixed depth, full width search. In other words it did not prune its search tree, considering every single move out to a fixed depth. The depth was a user selectable option, with 6 (ply) being the maximum setting. On my (cheap, aging) commodity laptop, sargon-engine.exe might take something like 30 seconds to perform the 6 ply search in a typical middlegame position. I expect this to be between two and three orders of magnitude faster than the original Z80 machine, so I don't imagine many users set the search depth to maximum!

One improvement I have been able to make without changing any of Sargon's core code is to extend the maximum search depth from 6 to 20 (because I am not limited to a few K of memory) and to make the search depth dynamic rather than fixed. I use an iterative approach. When the GUI asks the engine to analyse a position I start with depth=3 (which is essentially instantaneous), present the results, then move to depth=4, and so on. If the GUI wants the engine to analyse indefinitely (kibitzing) I just continue iterating all the way up to depth=20. It's important to understand though that the time required increases exponentially. Seconds for depth 4, minutes by depth 7, hours by depth 9, days (10), weeks (11), years probably (13 or so). Basically it will never get to 20. Theoretically the minimax algorithm (which Sargon implements effectively - not quite perfectly because it doesn't consider under-promotion) can 'solve chess perfectly'. But in fact chess will never be absolutely solved unless we can somehow turn every atom in the universe into a computer co-operating on solving the problem (and not even then). This is why we can't have nice things.

During human v engine or engine v engine operation the GUI tells sargon-engine the time left for the game and I use a simple adaptive algorithm to decide when to stop iterating and present the best move discovered to date.

I have implemented a FixedDepth engine parameter which allows emulation of the original Sargon program's behaviour. If FixedDepth is set to a non-zero number then sargon-engine doesn't iterate at all when playing a game, it just goes straight to the assigned depth. This actually has some efficiency advantages, since iterating from depth 5 (say) to depth 6 was not contemplated in the original Sargon code at all, so when I do that I am in effect discarding all of the depth 5 information and starting again. That sounds terrible, but remember the exponential growth means that the depth 6 required time will far exceed the sum of depth 3,4 and 5 required time, so relatively speaking it's not wasting that much time. Iteration works well and is very pragmatic and effective in this Sargon implementation.

It might sound that extending Sargon's search depth well beyond 6 hasn't been very useful because the exponential growth makes levels beyond 8 or so inaccessible in practice. This would be true if chess stopped in the middlegame, but as more and more pieces come off the board, there are less moves to look at in each position, and Sargon can see deeper in a reasonable time. This is the real beauty of adaptive rather than fixed depth. As a simple example consider the position with White (to play) king on e4, pawn on d4, Black king on d7. A serious human player will instantaneously play Kd5 here, knowing that this is the only way to eventually force pawn promotion. Sargon, with absolutely no chess knowledge, just the ability to calculate variations in search of extra material or board control, plays Kd5 at depth 13 (or more). The PV associated with this move features the pawn queening triumphantly right at the end of the line. It takes 3 minutes and 30 seconds to make the calculation on my computer. It's hardly world shattering but it's vastly beyond the capacity of the original Z80 implementation, and shows what a faster CPU and more memory can do to an otherwise fixed chess calculation algorithm.

However there's no doubt that in general the horizon effect, as it is called, is a massive limitation on the strength of an engine that does a full width, fixed depth search with no pruning. Sargon runs well enough. It plays ugly anti-positional chess, but it does try to mobilise it's pieces and it's pretty decent at tactics and will sometimes tear you apart in a complex middlegame if you don't pay attention. But then it might not be able to finish you off. Despite being able to search deeper it still doesn't understand endgames because promoting pawns takes so many ply. And even winning with say K+Q v K is beyond its horizon unless the opponent's king is already corralled with Sargon's king nearby. I am tempted to add a simple "king in a decreasing sized box" type heuristic to the scoring function to fix that - but that's not really software archaeology is it? A similar problem, probably fixable in the same way is that Sargon will sometimes drift and concede a draw by repeating moves even in an overwhelming position. (But see Version 1.01 above). This is a reflection of Sargon's scoring function, which doesn't have any positional knowledge. Sargon just tries to win material, and if that's not possible control more squares than the opponent. This was typical of the era, in the early days of chess programming the pioneers were delighted to find that minimax plus alpha beta and a simple material plus board control scoring function was sufficient to play at least reasonable chess. But it was only a starting point for real progress.

Project Organisation

This project comprises four subprojects, two of which do source code transformation to ultimately produce the x86 assembly language version of Sargon, and two of which run the resulting Sargon code. Let's start with running the Sargon code.

Project sargon-engine is a standard UCI chess engine. UCI is a standardised chess engine interface. Project sargon-engine allows any modern chess GUI to run Sargon to analyse positions, or play against other engines or human players. An interesting feature of sargon-engine is that the original Sargon code was only intended to produce a good move, but the modern translation peers into the Sargon implementation and extracts the PV (Principle Variation - the follow up Sargon expects to its calculated best move), and Sargon's numerical evaluation of the position. These latter elements weren't required by Sargon's original user interface, but make for a much more interesting user experience when using a modern chess GUI.

Project sargon-tests includes a collection of regression tests which initially helped me get the Sargon port working, and then kept the development firmly on track. More interesting perhaps is some 'executable documentation' built into the sargon-tests.exe program. This is an attempt to open a window into Sargon's implementation of minimax and alpha-beta, the fundamental chess algorithms. Originally this was all about validating that the Sargon code was really running correctly on the modern platform, but I refined it with the idea that a developer starting out in chess programming might find it very interesting to see a simple working model of these algorithms in action. The executable documentation can be executed by running sargon-tests.exe with a -doc command line flag. The resulting output is available in the repository as sargon-tests-doc-output.txt

Details, Details

Project convert-8080-to-z80-or-x86 is the fundamental source code translation tool that converts Sargon into something we can run today. The reference to the older Intel 8080 processor might be confusing. The Zilog Z80 microprocessor that Sargon 1978 ran on was upwardly compatible with the older Intel 8080 microprocessor. The Z80 implemented all of the 8080's instructions, plus a whole lot of new ones. In a software engineering masterstroke, Zilog made life easy for programmers by designing a much better, more consistent and orthogonal assembly language than the Intel original for the new, more capable machine. The Zilog version accommodated all the Intel instructions (of course), and all the Z80 extensions too in a smooth and consistent way. As an example, the original 8080 assembly language has different instructions for all the different types of ADD operations it can do, depending on where the operands come from. In contrast the Z80 assembly language replaces them all with just a single ADD mnemonic. The assembler program itself infers which actual machine code ADD instruction (including new ADD instructions introduced with the Z80) is required from the parameters to the mnemonic, which are organised in a systematic and consistent way.

That's quite a diversion. The point is though, that Sargon 1978 was not programmed in Zilog's assembly language. For whatever reason, Sargon's programmers decided to use the third party TDL assembler which uses Intel's assembler mnemonics and supports the Z80 extensions with invented arcane Intel style mnemonics. In the rear vision mirror from 2020 this was a disappointing decision, to say the least. Never mind, it turned out not to be too much of a road block. After all the Intel style assembler is harder for the programmer but easier on the source code translator because there's a unique mnemonic for every instruction. So it wasn't hard to convert the original code into a more forward looking version.

In fact as the name implies, convert-8080-to-z80-or-x86 can do two types of conversion, It can convert to standard Z80 mnemonics, or translate to Intel x86 assembly language to run on modern machines. The Z80 conversion is not strictly necessary, but I think it's worthwhile to effectively remove the weird TDL assembler conventions from the equation for anyone else who want study the original Z80 code.

Similarly, project convert-z80-to-x86 was created to streamline the workflow of anyone who wants to tinker with the Sargon code in the future. The idea is that a good approach in the future would be to use convert-8080-to-z80-or-x86 once to convert the original Sargon code to Z80 mnemonics. Then effectively the original code can be thrown away and tinkering in Z80 world can continue with the standard Z80 mnemonics version of the code. Project convert-z80-to-x86 then exists to convert the modified Z80 code to X86.

For the moment I have not abandoned the original 8080 code in this way. The Windows script rebuild-and-compare.bat converts the original Sargon code directly to X86 code (8080 -> X86) and via the two step process (8080 -> Z80 -> X86) and checks that exactly the same sargon-x86.asm file is created by both routes.

Yet More Details

Intel chose not to provide an 8080 machine code level compatibility mode for their original 16 bit 8086. (Interesting diversion: One of the suppliers of 8086 compatible 16 bit microprocessors at the time did provide a machine level 8080 compatibility mode - the NEC V20). Intel contented themselves with a very weak level of compatibility, they simply made one to one translation of assembly language instructions reasonably straightforward. A good pragmatic decision, but it stands out as one of the most backward compatibility hostile decisions in the company's history. Their massively successful X86 family has provided direct machine level compatibility all the way back to late 1970s 8086 processor ever since.

Not only was machine code compatibility not provided, even source code level compatibiliy was denied and instead Intel suggested translating 8080 code to 8086 code. Amusingly translation was required not only because of some instruction quirks (eg 8086 instructions affecting flags differently to the 8080 equivalents), but because Intel pulled a Zilog and made the assembly language for the new chip more consistent and orthogonal. Of course even machine code compatibility wouldn't help us, as Intel were never going to provide compatibility to the Z80 extensions.

The bottom line though is that converting either 8080 or Z80 assembly code to Intel X86 is reasonably straightforward. I chose to go with x86 32 bit mode rather than x64 64 bit mode. Translating to x64 should be similar and is left as an exercise for the reader :-) Or for me in the future.

The conversion model used for this project establishes a 64K block of memory to emulate the Z80's entire memory space within the 32 bit memory model. Of course 64K is a ludicrously tiny amount of memory today. Never-the-less it's more than sufficient for Sargon. Sargon's largest memory requirement by far is a two level move buffer. Two level because at any given time Sargon is evaluating just one sequence of moves from the start position, but each move in that sequence is identified in a separate list of all legal moves from a position in the overall tree of moves. Z80 Sargon has a max ply depth of 6. It navigates around the full width move tree (no pruning) without recursion using the simple two level move buffer. It stores 6 bytes per move node. So its two level move buffer requires 6 x 6 x MAX bytes of memory where MAX is the practical maximum number of legal moves in a position. Z80 Sargon allocates 2K for this, which implies MAX equals about 60. X86 Sargon extends the max ply depth to 20 and splurges effectively the whole of the emulated Z80's 64K to the task (equivalent to MAX=500). That renders the single point where Sargon checks whether it has run out of memory as completely redundant (just as well as I don't think Sargon would actually gracefully recover from the memory full condition).

The biggest conversion difficulty is that the Z80 uses 16 bit pointers, but x86 32 bit mode uses 32 bit pointers My solution to this problem was to reserve one x86 register ebp to always point at the 64K block of emulation memory and to perform all memory accesses relative to the ebp register. This is all very neat and convenient, as the ebp register is left over after allocating the other x86 pointer registers to emulate z80 pointer registers (ebx = hl, ecx=bc, edx=de, esi=ix, edi=iy). The top 16 bits of each of the x86 registers is cleared before entering the Sargon code and no x86 code is generated that will change the top 16 bits. So we can confidently emulate a (ix+offset) Z80 memory access say with a (ebp+esi+offset) x86 memory access. This approach should still be available if an x64 version is made later.

Stack accesses would be more difficult to emulate because although x86 happily accomodates 8 and 16 bit memory accesses in general, all stack operations in x86 mode are 32 bit. Fortunately Sargon itself doesn't do any 'tricks' with the stack. It just uses it for straightforward pushes, pops, calls and returns, and we can emulate that with a normal stack maintained by our runtime in a completely different part of memory to our 64K emulation buffer. This speaks to a wider point; the two conversion programs in this suite have been expressly constructed to perform the Sargon conversion. They will probably require work to convert some other 8080 or Z80 program into a working x86 program. Apart from anything else, instructions that Sargon never uses are not necessarily converted.

Development Environment

I have used Visual Studio 2017, although any system that can build C++ programs with a single X86 assembly module should be fine. I have included a VS2017 solution and four project files in the repository, but there's no magic involved anywhere. By far the most important information in the solution and project files is that the individual components are constructed as follows;

  • sargon-engine = sargon-engine.cpp + sargon-x86.asm + sargon-interface.cpp + sargon-pv.cpp + thc.cpp + util.cpp
  • sargon-tests = sargon-tests.cpp + sargon-x86.asm + sargon-interface.cpp + sargon-minimax.cpp + sargon-pv.cpp + thc.cpp + util.cpp
  • convert-8080-to-z80-or-x86 = convert-8080-to-z80-or-x86.cpp + convert-8080-to-z80-or-x86-main.cpp + util.cpp
  • convert-z80-to-x86 = convert-z80-to-x86.cpp + util.cpp

I should mention a couple of small roadblocks I overcame in creating the project files;

To turn on assembly programming in Visual C++ 2017
Menu > Project > build customizations, turn on MASM (Only add asm files after doing this)

We also need linker option SAFESEH:NO (Properties / Linker / All Options / Image has safe exception handlers) or just use option search facility on "SAFESEH". It's needed because we do long jumps to cut short Sargon's move calculation if it takes too long, or if the GUI calls on it to stop.

Further Reading

  • Background information There's lots of background information on Sargon here. I hope this page will soon have a link back to this project.

  • Scan of original book I have a paper copy of the book I picked up from, but I am happy to have access to this electronic copy as well, particularly since my paper copy of the book turned out to have had the TDL assembler reference material at the end ripped out!

  • Stack Overflow Discussion with Andre Adrian I first contemplated this project around 2010, and asked for advice on Z80 conversion tools in this Stackoverflow post. The page includes quite a lot of background information about the project. I mention Andre Adrian, a German programmer who gave me the idea for the project and who the arrives to contribute to the discussion. Inevitably and sadly, the discussion was closed as not meeting Stackoverflow guidelines. It makes me happy to contemplate that I have finally written my own conversion tools and got this project done after putting it on the back burner for so many years.

  • Andre Adrian's Z80 port I used this, plus the scan of the book above and my own paper copy to get to stages/sargon1.asm which is the starting point of my conversion pipeline, being as close to the exact text of the Sargon program in the book as I can make it.

Andre Adrian's work first came to my attention when I noticed he had added a chess engine interface to my port of Microchess by Peter Jennings, an even older 1970s chess program which I ported to Windows around 2006. It is interesting that in that earlier project I ported the original user interface of the program and Andre Adrian improved on my work by adding a chess engine interface. Andre Adrian ported Sargon including its original user interface to CP/M so that it could be used with a CP/M emulator. Now I have in turn improved his project (I think) in the same way he improved mine by replacing the original user interface with a modern chess engine interface.

There's more information on my earlier 6502 Microchess project on Peter Jennings Microchess history page. I should really bring my source code conversion over to Github.

Conversion Pipeline

The directory stages/ contains the conversion process, starting with the unmodified program text from the book, progressing through manual and mechanical modification through to the ultimate sargon-x86.asm file (and its companion sargon-asm-interface.h). The directory contains its own readme.txt file to describe them. There's also rebuild-and-compare.bat script in the project root directory to repeat and test the conversion process.

Acknowledgment of Original Authorship

I acknowledge the ownership of legendary programmers Dan and Kathe Spracklen. When I started on the project I added that if they contact me in respect of this project, I will honour their wishes, whatever they may be. Since then though I have put a huge amount of effort into polishing this into a model project. I've opened up a window into the program, and brought it back to life. I think I would have a great deal of difficulty deleting this project now, if I was asked to do that. Hopefully a purely hypothetical question. There is clearly no commercial motive of incentive for anyone in this project. As I wrote on Twitter "I am porting a 70s chess program written in Z80 assembly to run on modern machines with a standard chess engine interface. Never has a project been more guaranteed not to generate a single cent of revenue."


This is a project to bring the code from the book "Sargon a computer chess program" back to life in the modern era






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