This library is for rendering CAD models in three.js sceens in a headless environment.
Supported formats: bld, fbx, glb, ifc, obj, pdb, stl, xyz.
See src/Filetypes.js for current listing
Discuss in our Discord #headless-three
Requires Node v18+.
$ yarn install
$ yarn build
$ yarn test
Run the headless server:
$ yarn serve
To run the server locally, you will need a working Docker installation.
$ docker compose build # Build the Docker image
$ docker compose up -d # Start the server, accessible at http://localhost:8001
Send a render request pointing to a CAD file URL:
$ curl -d '{"url": ""}' \
-H 'content-type: application/json' \
-o rendered.png \
for f in `ls models/*/*.{bld,fbx,ifc,obj,stl,pdb,xyz}` ; do
curl -f -d "{\"url\": \"http://localhost:8090/$f\"}" \
-H 'content-type: application/json' \
-o "$f"-fit.png --fail --silent --show-error \
-D- http://localhost:8001/render > log ;
grep -q '200 OK' log || /bin/mv -f log $f.err ;