Clinify Blog, in less words, is a place where clinify Members write (ranging from the stuff happening at Clinify to the skills they have been learning) and others read. With this small vision, This project is yet in it's very intial stages of prototyping and designing. Discussions were held about the vision of the blog (before deciding to make this project open source) and some of the key takeaways were:
- It can contain articles about almost any kind of theme, with a supervision of course. (The method of which we are yet to decide upon)
- Only clinify members shall be allowed the writing permissions in the Blog Website.
Check the initial prototype preview here
Frontend is being build with React Nextjs & tailwindcss
Check the live devlopment build deployed on vercel here
Here is a basic backend plan made on miro. can checkout (create an issue if you think of any update or mistake in it. Click here to view.