First you need to start Mura up:
git clone
cd MuraNextJSDecoupled
git checkout master
cd mura
docker-compose up
Then go to http://localhost:8888 to initialize Mura's install then login with the default (admin/admin) and edit the default site's settings:
- Domain= The domain of the remote site that the the content will be served on. (localhost)
- Is Remote = true
- Remote Context = The directory structure off of the remote site's web root that the site lives (Leave Empty)
- Remote Port = The port of the remote site (3000)
- Resource Domain = The domain that Mura will use the access resource like css and js scripts that are dynamically loaded. (localhost)
Second you need to start Angular up:
Then in terminal go to the ./nextjs directory within the project root:
cd {project_root}/nextjs
npm install
Then start the NextJS service
npm run dev
You can now visit the site at http://localhost:3000
And finally go to your Mura admin (http://localhost:8888/admin) and reload Mura one more to and it will see the mura.config.json from the ./angular directory.
The intergration is entirely done with Mura.js installed as an npm within the and project while running Mura's official docker container.
You must use Mura 7.1.328 of higher
With this use case Mura modules, templates and content type includes are now located outside of Mura within the client. The those examples have not yet been added to this project. Just know that when rendering a content node you can target specific content types in the client just like you could in traditional Mura theme development.
There is a mura.config.json file that the Mura service reads in when loading to get what it needs to know from the client.
You tell Mura about it as an environment variable
Here you can see an example of registering a module created from within NextJS and registered via the mura.config.json and mura.config.js
An important aspect of Mura 7.1 and this new way of working with Mura is using the Mura ORM Assembler and Scaffolder to create your own custom entities. You can then use Mura.js to seamlessly access them within your client. It works the same way as working with normal content and feeds.