Good web design doesn't happen by accident. Learn how to make all that work you've done on the backend look great in a web browser! You'll be equipped to deeply understand and create your own design frameworks.
- Basic HTML Page Structure
- Displaying and Inputting Data
- Tables in HTML - lesson
- Ordered and Unordered Lists - lesson
- Forms for Collecting Data - lesson
- Project: HTML Forms
- CSS Basics - lesson
- The Box Model - lesson
- Floats and Positioning - lesson
- Flexbox - lesson
- Grid - lesson
- Project: Positioning and Floating Elements
- Best Practices - lesson
- Backgrounds and Gradients - lesson
- Project: Building with Backgrounds and Gradients
- Design and UX
- Introduction to Design and UX - lesson
- Fonts and Typography - lesson
- CSS Grids - lesson
- Project: Design Teardown
- Responsive Design and CSS Frameworks
- Responsive Design - lesson
- Project: Building With Responsive Design
- CSS Frameworks like Bootstrap and Foundation - lesson
- Project: Using Bootstrap
- Advanced CSS
- Animations, Subtle Effects and Compatibility - lesson
- Using CSS Preprocessors to Save Time - lesson
- Project: Design Your Own Grid-Based Framework
- Conclusion - lesson