code examples from any small talk I've given at SkyKick
Uses a "brain teaser" type example to illustrate how Javascript function parameters are pass-by-value. Also illustrates closures
Using another "brain teaser" as a jumping off point into hoisting and how it's caused by Javascript execution contexts
Explains Tyepscript's top type 'unknown' and its properties through code examples. File not intended to be executed, compile time errors are intentional.
A "101" level talk covering Chapter 1 of the Head First Design Patterns book from O'Reilly with an emphasis on introducing the Strategy Pattern. Examples in C#
An introduction to the classic Observer Pattern, with examples in C#
An introduction to the Adapter pattern, with examples in C#
An introduction to the Builder pattern, with examples in C#. Each DinnerSimulator has a Run method which is the entry point to that example. What the example demonstrates is described by the containing folder.
An introduction to the Template Method Pattern, with examples in C#. Each coffeeshop has a StandardOrder method which is the entry point to that example. What the example demonstrates is described by the containing folder. Based on "StarBuzz" example from the Head First Design Patterns book.
An introduciton to the Iterator Pattern, with examples in C#. Each SuperRestaurantServer has a PrintMenu method which is the entry point to that example. What the example demonstrates is described by containing folder.
An introduction to the Composite Pattern, with examples in C#. Follows on the same "user story" as the Iterator examples. There are static "Example" classes which serve as the entry point to the demonstrations.
Introduction to the RxJS library through the lens of the Observer Pattern and with an emphasis on it's usage in Angular.