Teams dashboards: 📝 google sheet
Your team: group number ❔
Student 1: ❔ (given name + first name +
github user name
, for example Sébastien Boisgéraultboisgera
) -
Student 2: ❔ (given name + first name +
github user name
, for example Sébastien Boisgéraultboisgera
) -
Student 3: ❔ (given name + first name +
github user name
, for example Sébastien Boisgéraultboisgera
) -
Student 4: ❔ (given name + first name +
github user name
, for example Sébastien Boisgéraultboisgera
💬 Join the chat room (Discord).
Sign into GitHub.
- Create a GitHub account if necessary.
🎉 Create your own version of the project.
- Use this project as a starting point:
click the Fork button to create your own project instance.
⚠️ Only one student needs to do this in each group.
- Use this project as a starting point:
click the Fork button to create your own project instance.
👥 Register collaborators.
Fill the "Student Team" section of this README.
Invite all students in the group as collaborators in your project (Collaborators).
Invite @boisgera, @c-joly and @JAuriol81 as collaborators.
📔 Hack the notebook!
Download the project files (Code / Download ZIP)
Fill in the available notebooks (a new notebook will be given every day).
Save your progress in your GitHub repository regularly! Start with a very small change and make sure that you know how to save your progress (learn how to upload files).