The source code for the music bot Vibr, reaching 150K servers, 20M command uses, and 35M songs played.
This was ran with 4 separate processes connected together to individually handle tens of shards, for a max of 196 at its peak (Discord recommended shard value).
This repository is no longer maintained. The source code is provided as-is and will not be updated.
I recommend if you would like to maintain your own bot, to use some of the tools below (especially mafic).
- Lavalink as the voice client and music server.
- Mafic as the lavalink API wrapper.
- Nextcord as the Discord API wrapper.
- gateway-proxy (Fork) to handle all shards and split them between processes.
- Piccolo as the ORM for the database.
- AsyncSpotify (Fork) as the Spotify API wrapper.