Prerequisites for this demo: Node version: ^18.18.2 React version: ^17.0.2 Latest released box-ui-elements package: ^19.0.0
Detailed instructions for setting this project are avaliable in this blog post.
Quick summary of steps you need to perform for this project:
- Set up Box a account.
- Create a Box custom app.
- Configure Box app: add local development address to CORS section in the Developer Console Configuration tab
- Create a metadata template and apply it to a folder. Read this blog post for detail introduction to Box metadata.
- Update App.js file:
- DEVELOPER_TOKEN: Generate developer token in the the Developer Consone Configuration tab.
- ENTERPRISE_ID: Copy Enterprise ID from the General Settings tab.
- METADATA_TEMPLATE: see instructions.
- FOLDER_ID: make sure the folder has enable Cascade Policy.
- Add metadata query to Content Explorer component, for introdution to this topic read this blog post.
- Run project using:
npm install
,npm start
In the project directory, you can run:
Runs the app in the development mode.
Open http://localhost:3000 to view it in your browser.
The page will reload when you make changes.
You may also see any lint errors in the console.