A Blacklight / GeoBlacklight plugin for including Allmaps georeferenced maps inside your application.
- Blacklight v7 (v8 forthcoming)
- GeoBlacklight v4.4+
Add this line to your application's Gemfile:
gem "blacklight_allmaps"
And then execute:
Run the install generator:
# For Blacklight...
LIGHT=blacklight bundle exec rails generate blacklight:allmaps:install
# For GeoBlacklight
LIGHT=geoblacklight bundle exec rails generate blacklight:allmaps:install
Configure options for local use are set into the catalog_controller.rb
# Blacklight::Allmaps Viewer
config.show.partials.insert(1, :blacklight_allmaps)
config.default_solr_unique_key = "id"
config.default_georeferenced_field = "bl_georeferenced_bsi"
config.default_iiif_manifest_field = "iiif_manifest_url_ssi"
# Blacklight::Allmaps Viewer
config.default_solr_unique_key = "id"
config.default_georeferenced_field = "gbl_georeferenced_b"
To populate Solr with some example data, you can run these tasks
# For Blacklight...
LIGHT=blacklight rake blacklight_allmaps:index:bl_fixtures
# For GeoBlacklight...
LIGHT=geoblacklight rake blacklight_allmaps:index:gbl_fixtures
We harvest and store Allmaps IIIF Annotation data locally — see the Blacklight::Allmaps::Sidecar section below.
The rake task here kicks off a background harvest process that walks through your Solr index documents (using CursorMark) and checks each document for georeferenceable?
- the presence of a IIIF Manifest. If the document is indeed georeferenceable? (true) we ping the Allmaps API to determine if the map/item has already been georeferenced in Allmaps.
# For Blacklight or GeoBlacklight
rake blacklight_allmaps:sidecars:harvest:allmaps
Alternatively, you can harvest Allmaps data for a list of identifers
# For Blacklight or GeoBlacklight
rake "blacklight_allmaps:sidecars:harvest_ids[id1 id2 ...]"
We expose the georeferenced items in the Blacklight user interface via a Georeferenced facet:
# For Blacklight or GeoBlacklight
rake blacklight_allmaps:index:georeferenced_facet
Blacklight::Allmaps adopts the SolrDocumentSidecar "sidecar" pattern from Spotlight, adding an ActiveRecord object to the database for each SolrDocument object in the index.
We use this document.sidecar_allmaps
object to hold the results of the Allmaps Annotation harvest task.
The Blacklight::Allmaps::Sidecar
object contains:
Field | Value |
id | primary key |
solr_document_id | solr document primary key |
document_type | SolrDocument |
manifest_id | IIIF Manifest ID |
annotated | boolean (true|false) |
allmaps_id | Allmaps ID |
iiif_manifest | Copy of the IIIF Manifest |
allmaps_annotation | Copy of the Allmaps IIIF Annotation |
solr_version | solr document version number |
created_at | timestamp |
updated_at | timestamp |
document = SolrDocument.find('harvard-g4124-m2-1855-m3')
document.sidecar_allmaps =>
id: 1,
solr_document_id: "harvard-g4124-m2-1855-m3",
document_type: "SolrDocument",
manifest_id: "https://ark.digitalcommonwealth.org/ark:/50959/4m90f9436/manifest",
annotated: true,
allmaps_id: "c2f9fc8490151424",
"{\"@context\":\"http://iiif.io/api/presentation/2/context.json\",\"@id\":\"https://ark.digitalcommonwealth.org/ark:/50959/4m90f9436/manifest\",\"@type\":\"sc:Manifest\",\"label\":\"Map of Madison and the Four Lake Country, Dane Co. Wis\" ...
"{\n \"type\": \"AnnotationPage\",\n \"@context\": \"http://www.w3.org/ns/anno.jsonld\",\n \"items\": [\n {\n \"id\": \"https://annotations.allmaps.org/maps/3740c2822f443181\",\n \"type\": \"Annotation\",\n \"@context\": [\n \"http://iiif.io/api/extension/georef/1/context.json\" ...
solr_version: 1794605692067250176,
created_at: Tue, 26 Mar 2024 15:47:49.422826000 UTC +00:00,
updated_at: Tue, 26 Mar 2024 16:39:42.427682000 UTC +00:00>
We've added an annotations controller to the application to expose the Blacklight::Allmaps::Sidecar
data we've harvested. This controller returns only JSON.
The #fetch
method will query Allmaps in real time for updated annotation data, should a nightly harvest (rake) be insufficient for Solr indexing or local development needs.
Routes for Blacklight::Allmaps::Engine:
fetch_allmaps_annotation GET /allmaps/annotations/:id/fetch(.:format) allmaps/annotations#fetch {:format=>:json}
allmaps_annotations GET /allmaps/annotations(.:format) allmaps/annotations#index {:format=>:json}
allmaps_annotation GET /allmaps/annotations/:id(.:format) allmaps/annotations#show {:format=>:json}
PATCH /allmaps/annotations/:id(.:format) allmaps/annotations#update {:format=>:json}
PUT /allmaps/annotations/:id(.:format) allmaps/annotations#update {:format=>:json}
For Developer documentation see doc/developer.md
The gem is available as open source under the terms of the Apache 2.0 License.