Forking @sopelj's project to integrate Ember Mugs w/HA. Testing newer version of bleak (0.13.0) and modifying to permit usage of secondary USB HCI interface on rPi.
Custom integration for the Ember Mug in Home Assistant. I only have the Ember Mug 2, but in theory it should be the same with other Ember Mugs.
The protocol is not public, so there is quite a bit of guesswork involved. @orlopau has documented the most important UUIDs here Some of it I had to get from the Android App.
This is still a work in progress, but seems to be working for reading information at least.
Add to HACS as custom repository:
And then add to your configuration.yaml and add sensors for your mug(s):
- platform: ember_mug
mac: C9:0F:59:D6:33:F9
name: "Jesse's Ember Mug" # Optional Name
temperature_unit: "C" # Optional: Default [C]
- The services to change mug values fail with a bluetooth permission error, that I can't figure out yet.
- If you have another device paired with it like your phone it will cause it to disconnect, so you need to remove it from that device.
- If it won't connect you may need to go back into pairing mode (Hold down 5 seconds until light flashes blue).
- This maintains a connection to your mug which:
- may affect battery
- may interfere with other local bluetooth integrations as it can only maintain one connection at a time.
If you want to have notifications similar to the app you can do something like:
- id: mug_filled
alias: Mug Filled
- platform: state
entity_id: sensor.jesse_s_ember_mug # your mug entity
attribute: liquid_state
from: "Empty"
- "Filling"
- "Heating"
- "Cooling"
service: notify.mobile_app_jesse_s_pixel_4a # Mobile device notify or other action
message: Your mug has been filled
- id: mug_temp_right
alias: Mug Temp is right
- platform: state
entity_id: sensor.jesse_s_ember_mug # your mug entity
attribute: liquid_state
- "Heating"
- "Cooling"
to: "Perfect"
service: notify.mobile_app_jesse_s_pixel_4a # Mobile device notify or other action
message: "Your mug is at the desired {{ states('sensor.jesse_s_ember_mug') }}."
- id: mug_battery_warning
alias: Mug Battery Low
- platform: numeric_state
entity_id: sensor.jesse_s_ember_mug # your mug entity
value_template: "{{ state.attributes.battery_level }}"
below: 20
attribute: "battery_level"
minutes: 10
service: notify.mobile_app_jesse_s_pixel_4a # Mobile device notify or other action
message: "Your mug battery is low ({{ state_attr('sensor.jesse_s_ember_mug', 'battery_level') }}%)."