There are three directories: laptop, desktop, and shared. Hopefully the names make sense :p
The difference between laptop/desktop is my window manager and zshrc configs. This is because I have aliases tied to specific directories (like my projects) and they differ between computers. I also set a resolution/refresh rate with desktop/bspwm. Delete that at the bottom of desktop/bspwm/.bspwmrc if you want to use it.
sudo pacman -S neovim ripgrep cmake luarocks tsc nodejs yarn tsc gdb lldb python-pip
tex-live texlive-most biber texlive-latexindent-meta(AUR) zathura zathura-pdf-mupdf
(for easy creation of LaTeX figures in inkscape:
pip3 install inkscape-figures
(for Python debugging, be sure to use a virtualenv)
python3 -m venv example
source example/bin/activate
Be sure to look at ~/.config/nvim/lua/brenden/maps.lua for some of the keybindings.
One useful one is <leader>fe
for opening nvim-tree.
For neovim, I recommend making a copy of your current config first with
cp -r ~/.config/nvim ~/.config/nvim-backup
rm -rf ~/.config/nvim
Then clone this repo and cd into it with:
git clone
cd .files
(you can also just clone the nvim folder)
After you have cloned the repo copy it anywhere compatible with NeoVim:
cp -r shared/nvim ~/.config/nvim
Start NeoVim. (You may get errors about missing plugins. Just press enter to ignore them, as the next step should fix this.)
Switch to COMMAND
mode and type the following command. (You can also use this to update plugins).
I make use of prettier_d and eslint_d.
Though it should be automatic, to install/update language servers and parsers (including prettier_d and eslint_d).
If you would like to change 'brenden' to something else, you need only edit init.lua
and lua/brenden
For information on installing the powerlevel10k zsh theme visit:
p.s. I use archcraft instead of regular arch.
For fallout terminal grub background (if using same distro)
cp background.png /boot/grub/themes/archcraft/
BSPWM is just copy/paste if you want my setup.
Recommended apps. Hopefully they're all in your package manager :)
sudo pacman -S neovim kitty zsh lazygit lazydocker docker lolcat espeak-ng playerctl
firefox steam ttf-liberation postman corectrl discord spotify moonlight
yay -S vibrant