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InteractionDB setup in Eclipse

De edited this page Nov 20, 2020 · 3 revisions

From Eclipse, you can build the jar file:

  1. Find the build.xml file
  2. Right mouse click on this file, Run As -> Ant Build. Check the console output if the jar was build properly.
  3. The latest version should be located in the "Dist" folder.

You can also run the IntdbBuilder class from Eclipse:

  1. Open the IntdbBuilder (located under src/org/bridgedb/interaction).
  2. Click on Run -> Run Configurations.
  3. Double click on "Java Application" **Note
  4. Set all the required command line arguments:
  • 0 - Full path of the interactions database to be created (eg: "/home/user/interactions.bridge")
  • 1 - Boolean download mapping (true/false) [Note : the download requires internet connection]
  • 2 - Full path of the previous interactions database to run the QC (eg: "/home/user/interactions20201120.bridge")

**Note: If the Main class is not selected automatically, click the search button and select org.bridgedb.interaction.IntdbBuilder: image

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