Fades windows when focused/unfocused, mimicking behaviour from X compositors such as picom.
Requires Python 3.8+ and libraries in requirements.txt
(namely i3ipc
and toml
). Run swayfade.py
or add it to your sway config:
exec <path>/swayfade.py
The script checks $XDG_CONFIG_HOME/swayfade.toml
is unset, then ~/.config/swayfade.toml
. The following options are available:
- focused: default focused window opacity. Default:
- unfocused: default unfocused window opacity. Default: 0.7
- rate: Delay between each step in fade. Default: 0.016
- steps: Number of steps between opacity changes. Default: 14
- rules: List of rules for specific windows. Default is none.
Each rule is an object with the following values:
- app_id: window app_id to match. Optional.
- floating: whether to include or exclude floating windows. Optional.
- focused: Opacity when focused.
- unfocused: Opacity when unfocused.
Here is an example:
rules = [
{ app_id = "mpv", focused = 1, unfocused = 1 },
{ floating = true, focused = 0.8, unfocused = 1 }