This repository stores the source of the OTOBO Installation Guide.
The content of the documentation is in reStructuredText format and uses Sphinx to generate HTML, PDF and EPUB outputs. The various outputs can be seen on the OTOBO Documentation page.
Contribution to documentation is very welcomed. You can add new pages or edit the existing text.
To edit the documentation:
- Learn how to work with reStructureText (see help).
- Download and send us scanned the OTOBO Contributor Agreement (see help).
- Fork the repository (see help).
- Add your modifications to the documentation.
- Create a pull request (see help).
If you find any kind of bugs in the documentation like typos, wrong information, dead links, etc., please create a bug report on OTOBO bug tracker.
The documentation is distributed under the GNU Free Documentation License - see the accompanying COPYING file for more details.